Acronym | Definition |
CEV➣Crew Exploration Vehicle (NASA) |
CEV➣Contemporary English Version (Bible) |
CEV➣Confédération Européenne de Volleyball |
CEV➣Confederation Européenne de Volleyball (French: European Volleyball Confederation) |
CEV➣Controlled Environmental Vault |
CEV➣Environmental Management (USAF) |
CEV➣Centre d'Essais en Vol (French: flight test center) |
CEV➣Combat Engineer Vehicle |
CEV➣Controlled Environment Vault |
CEV➣Closed Eye Visuals |
CEV➣Certificados Eléctricos Valorizables (Spanish: Recoverable Electric Certificates; Colombia) |
CEV➣California encephalitis virus |
CEV➣Carbon Equivalent Value |
CEV➣Coherent Extrapolated Volition |
CEV➣Constant Elasticity of Volatility |
CEV➣Corona Extinction Voltage |
CEV➣Combat Effectiveness Value |
CEV➣CoBrA Eclipse Viewer |
CEV➣Common Element Verification |
CEV➣Current Estimated Value |
CEV➣Central East Visayas (Philippine College of Physicians) |