释义 |
DimwittednessSee also Stupidity.Allen, Gracie(1906–1964) American comedienne who projected a scatterbrained image. [Radio, TV, Am. Cinema: Halliwell, 14]Bodine, Jethrooafish mental midget of millionaire hillbilly family. [TV: “The Beverly Hillbillies” in Terrace, I, 93]Bullwinkledimwitted moose with penchant for pedantry. [TV: “Rocky and His Friends” in Terrace, II, 252–253]Bunker, EdithArchie’s lovable “dingbat.” [TV: “All in the Family” in Terrace, I, 47–48]Compson, Benjy33-year-old idiot loved and protected by his sister and both calmed and distracted by pictures that flow through his mind. [Am. Lit.: Faulkner The Sound and the Fury in Magill I, 917]Costello, Lou(1906–1959) dumpy American comedian; used dimwittedness to spark humor. [Am. Cinema: Halliwell, 171]Drummle, Bentley“heavy in comprehension”; suspicious of new ideas. [Br. Lit.: Great Expectations]ElspethFlashman’s air-headed but beguiling wife. [Br. Lit.: Flashman]Happy Hooligansimple and harmless tramp, serene and optimistic despite constant bad luck. [Comics: Horn, 302]Jeffboob who usually bungles Mutt’s schemes. [Comics: Berger, 48]Laurel, Stan(1890–1965) bumbling foil for Oliver Hardy. [Am. Cinema: Halliwell, 425]Moosethe epitome of “the obtuse jock,” or dimwitted athlete. [Comics: “Archie” in Horn, 87]Palooka, Joesemi-literate boxer, wholesome and bungling. [Comics: Horn, 343–344]Rudge, Barnabygrotesquely dressed, retarded son of a murderer. [Br. Lit.: Barnaby Rudge]Zeroarmy private whose name and IQ are almost equivalent. [Comics: “Beetle Bailey” in Horn, 105–106] |