
(redirected from curatorially)


C0810600 (kyo͝o-rā′tər, kyo͝or′ə-tər)n.1. One who manages or oversees, as the administrative director of a museum collection or a library.2. One who gathers something, organizes it, and makes it available to the public: a curator of online resources for gardeners.
[Middle English curatour, legal guardian, from Old French curateur, from Latin cūrātor, overseer, from cūrātus, past participle of cūrāre, to take care of; see curative.]
cu′ra·to′ri·al (kyo͝or′ə-tôr′ē-əl)·ra′tor·ship′ n.
Adj.1.curatorial - of or relating to a curator or the duties of a curator; "curatorial duties"
References in periodicals archiveCuratorially, art historians bring up Gandhara as a way to congratulate multiculturalism in antiquity, but we need to examine this with circumspection.One Mother, Many Mother Tongues'Even curatorially, we try to be a little bit broad rather than leaning toward one side or another,' she adds.Art Fair Philippines transcends tribalismpart the Matthews collection is curatorially mortifying: theRomantic Dispersals: Afterlives of Dress and the ArchiveThis document, along with further legal guidance and a booklet on curatorially motivated disposals, can be found on the MA's website.The Museums Association's Code of Ethics 2015But what if curatorially driven endeavors could be asked to carry more of the burden, given their larger scale and more direct dealings with inclusion and exclusion?Tomorrow never dies: Dawn Chan on Asia-futurismThe best of the Quai Branly exhibitions have, moreover, been curatorially ambitious.Global reachIt's all very curatorially subdued so as not to distract from the business at hand.Accounting for taste--and clean design: the offices of Freemark Financial have been given an extreme makeover with airy, post-modernism in mindRestaging photographs that Burke had taken by rearranging colonial-style group portraits with contemporary subjects, and observing Kabul and an American military base with a formal eye that emulates his precursor, Norfolk's project is curatorially paired with Burke's for this show.Burke + Norfolk: Photographs from the War in AfghanistanThe fair features an ambitious range of galleries, with more than a dozen significant, curatorially focused galleries to the Middle East for the first time; an increased number of single-artist gallery shows, allowing viewers to delve into an artist's practice in depth; and the strongest showing
of galleries from Turkey and South Asia to date.Mohammed opens Art Dubai, watches breathtaking displaysIt's often the case that provincial outposts of national institutions can be more freewheeling and experimental, both curatorially and architecturally.119 Tham & Videgard arkitekterAs Johannes Birringer (2005:10) has noted, contemporary festivals, have come to be more curatorially driven as they become more conceptually organised and announced with themes that can have political and social concerns.The Centre for Creative Arts 12th JOMBA! Contemporary dance experience: reflections and ruminationsA recent exhibition at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra of early works from Papunya is curatorially framed according to a very different perspective to Breasts, Bodies, Canvas.On looking at and feeling Aboriginal art