Asker Kaderbechevich Evtykh

Evtykh, Asker Kaderbechevich


Born May 7, 1915, in the aul (village) of Khatukai, present-day Krasnogvardeiskoe Raion, Adygei Autonomous Oblast. Soviet Adygeian writer. Born into a peasant family.

In 1939, Evtykh published his first collection of poems, Our Days, and the collection of short stories Great Strength. His novellas An Excellent Post (1948), The Aul of Psybe (1950), and In Our Aul (1953) were written in Russian. They portray the new life of the Adygeian village and the breakup of the old social relations. The collection of short stories The Fate of One Woman was published in 1960, and the novel The Full Length of the Street was published in 1965. Evtykh translated Lermontov’s narrative poem Mtsyri, Gogol’s novella Taras Bul’ba, and a number of books by Soviet Rus-sian writers into Adygeian.


In Russian translation:
Devushka iz aula. Maikop, 1963.


Pisateli Adygei. Maikop, 1957.