释义 |
dehydroandrosterone A weak androgenic steroid produced in the adrenal cortex and secreted by ♂ and ♀; DHEA levels ↑ during childhood, rise rapidly after puberty, peak at age 20 and then ↓ Abnormal values ↑ in Adrenal tumors and hyperplasia, Cushing's disease, hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome, ↓ in Addison's disease, hyperlipidemia, psychosis, psoriasis. See Unproven methods for cancer management. dehydroandrosterone (dē-hī″drō-ăn-drō-stēr′ōn) (-drŏs′tĕr-ōn) A previously used name for dehydroepiandrosterone. |