Barteneva, Ekaterina Grigorevna
Barteneva, Ekaterina Grigor’evna
Born May 25 (June 6), 1843, in St. Petersburg; died there Aug. 19(Sept. 1), 1914. Russian revolutionary. Member of the nobility.
Barteneva and her husband V. I. Bartenev refused to accept payment from the government for the land they lost under the land reform of 1861 and instead turned over their land to the peasants and took up residence in St. Petersburg. They subsequently moved to Switzerland, where they established close connections with the Bakuninists. In 1869 they broke with M. A. Bakunin and, with N. I. Utin, founded the Russian section of the First International. Barteneva was acquainted with many participants in the Paris Commune.
After her return to Russia in 1871, she collaborated on such journals as Otechestvennye zapiski and Delo. She also gave assistance to Russian revolutionaries. In the late 1880’s and early 1890’s she was connected with the Social Democratic group of M. I. Brusnev and carried on propaganda activities. The younger members of the Ul’ianov family (Alek-sandr, Vladimir, and Olga) became friends of the Bartenevs. In 1889, Barteneva acted as secretary at the First Congress of the Second International in Paris. In 1891 she was banished from St. Petersburg to Pskov, but from 1898 again lived in St. Petersburg.