Buslenko, Nikolai

Buslenko, Nikolai Panteleimonovich


Born Feb. 15, 1922, in Rzhishchev, Kiev Oblast. Soviet mathematician; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966). Member of the Presidium of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on Integrated Problems of Cybernetics. Member of the CPSU since 1962.

Buslenko’s work on computer simulation of complex systems functioning under conditions of the action of a large number of interdependent random factors has achieved fame. His subsequent works are devoted to machine methods of quantitative and qualitative investigation of large systems. Buslenko has been awarded five orders, as well as medals.


Matematicheskoe modelirovanie proizvodstvennykh protsessov na tsifrovykh vychislitel’nykh mashinakh. Moscow, 1964.