

 [ser″vĭ-ko-di´ne-ah] pain in the neck.


(ser'vi-kō-din'ē-ă), Neck pain. [cervico- + G. odynē, pain]


(sĕr'vi-kō-din'ē-ă) Neck pain.
Synonym(s): trachelodynia.
[cervico- + G. odynē, pain]


(sĕr'vi-kō-din'ē-ă) Neck pain. [cervico- + G. odynē, pain]

Patient discussion about cervicodynia

Q. I have neck pain in the center of my neck. It is also swollen what can it be? I am a 33 secretary and i am usually very healthy. in the past few weeks i am feeling a large swelling in my neck. It is hot and painful, but touching it doesn't make the pain worse.what can it be?A. Neck swelling can be either from thyroid source or from inflamation of the skin due to infection. to distinguish between them you can check if the swelling is connected to the thyroid or not. Try to swallow. If the swelling is moving - its a thyroid swelling. elsewhere its a cutaneous issue.

Q. Since this morning I have strong neck pain that is killing me, I can't move my neck. A. i get neck pain after being stressed. sitting in a long and crucial exam, at job interviews... i use tiger balm to sooth it. massage my neck while rubbing it in. very helpful.
try doing "physiotherapy", move it all the time.
if all that doesn't help and you can't sleep- it might be wise to take an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but try avoiding if unnecessary.
crossing fingers for ya'

Q. shoulder and neck strain and pain I have a terrible shoulder and neck pain and i keep cracking my neck muscles to release pressure. I get temporary relief with tylenol but after few hrs the pain and strain starts again.Any ideas?A. A mellow exercise and streching on a regular basis is the best way to release a sore back and muscles in general, including your neck. You should try that plus applying local warm temperature (for example a warm pillow)around your neck. If that doesn't work then other anti-inflammatory drugs that you either apply as a cream or take as a pill can help you.

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