Estonian Black-and-White Cattle

Estonian Black-and-White Cattle


a breed of dairy cattle. It was developed in Estonia at the turn of the 20th century by crossing local cattle with Holstein-Friesian cattle. Bulls weigh 900–1,000 kg, and the cows, 550–600 kg. The annual milk production is 3,800–4,500 kg, with a record yield of 10,321 kg. The fat content of the milk is 3.8–3.9 percent. The meat qualities are satisfactory. The male calves raised for meat weigh 420–450 kg at 18 months of age. The yield of dressed meat is 56–57 percent.

The breed has been regionalized in the northern and western parts of the Estonian SSR. Pedigree stock has been introduced in many oblasts of the RSFSR, Byelorussian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, and Kazakh SSR in order to improve the local black-and-white breeds of cattle.


Skotovodstvo: Krupnyi rogatyi skot, vol. 1. Moscow, 1961.
Kutti, V., A. Pung, and L. Vaher, Eesli mustakirju veiselōug. Tallinn, 1965.