

单词 dop



(dɒp) n (Brewing) a tot or small drink, usually alcoholicvb, dops, dopping or dopped (Education) to fail to reach the required standard in (an examination, course, etc)[Afrikaans]



South African South African informal a tot or small drink, usually alcoholic


(organic chemistry) dioctyl phthalate


(DSD Over PCM) DoP is a method for transporting DSD audio over USB ports that do not have a DSD driver. Each consecutive set of 16 DSD bits is stored as PCM bits in the lower 16 bits of a 24/176.4 sampling rate. An 8-bit DoP header is added to each sample. At the playback end; however, the DAC must be DoP compliant in order to reassemble the PCM bits into a continuous DSD stream. See DSD.



The ISO 4217 currency code for Dominican Republic Peso.


ISO 4217 code for the Dominican peso. It was issued in 1937. It has periodically been subject to high inflation. The U.S. dollar is also accepted in the Dominican Republic.


DOPDominican Peso (ISO currency code)
DOPDirector of Photography
DOPDiameter of Particle(s)
DOPDegree of Parallelism (database management systems)
DOPDeclaration of Performance (Construction Products Regulation; EU)
DOPDegree of Polarization (fiber optics)
DOPDepartment of Personnel
DOPDilution Of Precision (GPS)
DOPDioctyl Phthalate
DOPDepartment of Posts (Ministry of Communications, India)
DOPDate of Production
DOPDate of Payment
DOPDate of Publication
DOPDenominazione d'Origine Protetta (Italian: Protected Designation of Origin)
DOPDegree of Protection (target analysis and terminal ballistics)
DOPDivision of Personnel (various locations)
DOPDeclaration of Principles
DOPDepartment of Psychiatry (various organizations)
DOPDeclaration of Peace
DOPDelineation of Privileges (health care)
DOPDaughters of Penelope
DOPDirect Object Pronoun (education)
DOPDepth Of Penetration
DOPData-Oriented Parsing (computational linguistics)
DOPDifference Of Perception
DOPDivision of Privileges
DOPDetailed Operating Procedure
DOPDropping Outward Pilot (maritime industry)
DOPDate of Purchase
DOPDirector of Pharmacy
DOPDirector of Operations
DOPDispositif Opérationnel de Protection (French: Device Operational Protection)
DOPDivisional Operating Profit
DOPDestruction of Property (crime)
DOPDepartment Operating Procedure
DOPDirect Operating Profit
DOPDirectory Operational Binding Management Protocol
DOPDrop Off Point
DOPFormai de Mut Dell'Alta Val Brembana (Italian)
DOPDaily Operating Plan
DOPDay One Purchase
DOPUnited States Department of Peace
DOPDiver Operated Plug
DOPDomain of Pain (Counter-Strike gaming clan)
DOPDigital Offset Press
DOPDesktop Optimisation Pack (Microsoft)
DOPDesignated Overhaul Point (rework facility)
DOPDissolved Organic Phosphorous
DOPDispersed Oil Particulate (filtration testing)
DOPDirector of Procurement (job)
DOPDevelopment Options Paper
DOPDirectory Operational Protocol
DOPDublin Orchestral Players
DOPDaily Obnoxious Post
DOPDropped Object Protection (Structures)
DOPDisaster Operations Plan
DOPDecoy Operating Program
DOPData/Date Object Processed
DOPDrawing Office Practice
DOPDevelopmental Opportunities Program
DOPDiffractive Optics Plate
DOPDigitally Operated Potentiometer
DOPDepth of Plane
DOPDepot Overhaul Plan
DOPDevelopment Operations Paper
DOPDetachment Operating Procedure
DOPDrain Open Failure Mode
DOPDirty Old Pervert
DOPDirect Owner Purchase
DOPDirector of Payments
DOPDirector of Props
DOPDesktop Operating Procedure
DOPDivision of Prisons (North Carolina)
DOPDivision of Occupational Psychology (British Psychological Society)




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