cochleopalpebral reflex

co·chle·o·pal·pe·bral re·flex

a form of the wink reflex in which there is a contraction, sometimes very slight, of the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle to an intense sound.
See also: startle reflex.
Synonym(s): acousticopalpebral reflex, auropalpebral reflex, cochleo-orbicular reflex

cochleopalpebral reflex

(kŏk′lē-ō-păl′pə-brəl, -păl-pē′-)n. A form of the wink reflex in which there is a contraction of the palpebral part of the orbicular muscle of the eye when a sudden noise is made close to the ear.

coch·le·o·pal·pe·bral re·flex

(kok'lē-ō-pal'pĕ-bral rē'fleks) A form of the wink reflex in which there is a contraction, sometimes very slight, of the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle when a sudden noise is made close to the ear. It is absent in labyrinthine disease with total deafness.
Synonym(s): startle reflex (2) .

cochleopalpebral reflex

Contraction of the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle resulting from a sudden noise produced near the ear. Synonym: cochleo-orbicular reflexSee also: reflex