cochlear labyrinth

co·chle·ar lab·y·rinth

[TA] the portion of the membranous labyrinth concerned with the sense of hearing (vs. the vestibular labyrinth, which is concerned with the sense of equilibration) and innervated by the cochlear nerve; it is located within the cochlea of the bony labyrinth, and consists of the cochlear duct, which contains the spiral organ. Synonym(s): labyrinthus cochlearis [TA], organ of hearing

coch·le·ar lab·y·rinth

(koklē-ăr labi-rinth) [TA] Part of the membranous labyrinth concerned with the sense of hearing (vs. the vestibular labyrinth, which is concerned with the sense of equilibration) and innervated by the cochlear nerve.
Synonym(s): labyrinthus cochlearis [TA] , organ of hearing.

coch·le·ar lab·y·rinth

(koklē-ăr labi-rinth) [TA] Part of membranous labyrinth concerned with hearing (vs. the vestibular labyrinth, which is concerned with equilibration) and innervated by the cochlear nerve.