cochlear joint

co·chle·ar joint

a variety of hinge joint in which the elevation and depression, respectively, on the opposing articular surfaces form part of a spiral, flexion being then accompanied by a certain amount of lateral deviation. Synonym(s): screw joint, spiral joint

coch·le·ar joint

(kok'lē-ăr joynt) A hinge joint in which the elevation and depression, respectively, on the opposing articular surfaces form part of a spiral, flexion being accompanied by a certain amount of lateral deviation.
Synonym(s): spiral joint.

cochlear joint

A hinge joint permitting lateral motion. Synonym: spiral joint See also: joint

coch·le·ar joint

(kok'lē-ăr joynt) Hinge joint in which elevation and depression, respectively, on the opposing articular surfaces form part of a spiral.