Acronym | Definition |
FCT➣Federal Capital Territory |
FCT➣Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Portuguese University) |
FCT➣Forecasting |
FCT➣Fundamentals of Computation Theory |
FCT➣Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation) |
FCT➣Field Control Therapy (integrative system of medicine) |
FCT➣Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) |
FCT➣First Canadian Title (insurance) |
FCT➣Fixed Cellular Terminal |
FCT➣Foreign Comparative Testing |
FCT➣Flux-Corrected Transport |
FCT➣Fire Control Technician |
FCT➣Fuel Cell Technology |
FCT➣Foxpro Catalog |
FCT➣Forms Control Table |
FCT➣File Control Table |
FCT➣Federal Commissioner of Taxation (Australia) |
FCT➣Film-Coated Tablet (medicine) |
FCT➣File Compare Tool |
FCT➣Florida Communities Trust |
FCT➣Family Centered Treatment (various locations) |
FCT➣Foundation for Community Transformation (Sri Lanka) |
FCT➣Fllight Control Team (various organizations) |
FCT➣Fuel Cell Test (system; various companies) |
FCT➣Fichier Central des Thèses (French: Central Theses File; education database) |
FCT➣Fibrous Connective Tissue (pathology) |
FCT➣Functional Test |
FCT➣Froid Climatisation Techniques (French: Cold Air Techniques) |
FCT➣Flight Crew Trainer |
FCT➣Free Commercial Time |
FCT➣Fault Clearing Time |
FCT➣Faster Cancer Treatment (New Zealand) |
FCT➣Flip Chip Technologies |
FCT➣Flow Control Technologies (Tyco) |
FCT➣Fire Control Team |
FCT➣Fast Cycle Time (strategy) |
FCT➣Fujitsu Computer Technologies (Japan) |
FCT➣Fellow of the Association of Corporate Treasurers |
FCT➣Fountainhead College of Technology (Knoxville, Tennessee) |
FCT➣File Control Table (CICS) |
FCT➣Family Care Trust (taxes; UK) |
FCT➣Flight Certification Test |
FCT➣Fast CMOS Technology |
FCT➣Fast Cosine Transform |
FCT➣Foundations of Computation Theory |
FCT➣Forward Coordinating Team (US FEMA) |
FCT➣France Container Trading |
FCT➣Final Contract(or) Trial(s) |
FCT➣Fédération Colombophile Tourquennoise (French pigeon federation) |
FCT➣Firepower Control Team |
FCT➣Full Contact Trignac (French sports club) |
FCT➣Forth Childrens Theatre |
FCT➣Frame Composition Table |
FCT➣Functional Certification Test |
FCT➣French Competency Test |
FCT➣Fractional Component Thereof |
FCT➣Future Capability Team |
FCT➣Font Correlation Table |
FCT➣Full Covariance Transform(ation) |
FCT➣Fonds Commun de Titrisation (French: mutual fund) |
FCT➣French Connection Team (gaming clan) |
FCT➣Fraction of Commercial Power Supplied by Traditional Sources |