cuneate nucleus

cu·ne·ate nu·cle·us

[TA] the larger Burdach nucleus; one of the three nuclei of the posterior column of the spinal cord; located near the posterior surface of the medulla oblongata at and below the level of the obex, the nucleus receives posterior root fibers corresponding to the sensory innervation of the arm and hand of the same side; it consists of a pars centralis [TA] (central part [TA], cell nest region [TAalt]) and a pars rostralis [TA] (rostral part [TA], shell region [TAalt]); together with its medial companion, the gracile nucleus, it is the major source of origin of the medial lemniscus. Synonym(s): nucleus cuneatus pars, rostralis [TA], nucleus cuneatus, pars centralis [TA], nucleus cuneatus [TA], Burdach nucleus, nucleus funiculi cuneati, nucleus of cuneate fasciculus

cu·ne·ate nu·cle·us

(kyū'nē-āt nū'klē-ŭs) [TA] The larger Burdach nucleus; one of the three nuclei of the posterior column of the spinal cord; located near the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata at and below the level of the obex, the nucleus receives posterior root fibers corresponding to the sensory innervation of the arm and hand of the same side; together with its medial companion, the gracile nucleus, it is the major source of origin of the medial lemniscus.


Karl F., German anatomist and physiologist, 1776-1847. Burdach column - the larger lateral subdivision of the posterior funiculus. Synonym(s): Burdach fasciculus; Burdach tract; cuneate fasciculusBurdach fasciculus - Synonym(s): Burdach columnBurdach nucleus - Synonym(s): cuneate nucleusBurdach tract - Synonym(s): Burdach column