

单词 cochin


Co·chin 1

C0442250 (kō′chĭn)1. A former kingdom of southern India on the Malabar Coast of the Arabian Sea. Rising to regional prominence after the 12th century, the kingdom fell under European domination beginning in the 16th century.2. See Kochi.
[Ultimately from Portuguese Cochim, from Malayalam Kocci, Kochi.]

Co·chin 2

C0442250 (kō′chĭn)n. A large domestic chicken of a breed developed in Asia, having thickly feathered legs. Also called Cochin China, Shanghai.
[After Cochin China1.]


(ˈkəʊtʃɪn; ˈkɒtʃ-) n1. (Placename) a region and former state of SW India: part of Kerala state since 19562. (Placename) a port in SW India, on the Malabar Coast: the first European settlement in India, founded by Vasco da Gama in 1502: shipbuilding, engineering. Pop: 596 473 (2001). Local official name: Kochi 3. (Breeds) a large breed of domestic fowl, with dense plumage and feathered legs, that originated in Cochin China


(ˈkoʊ tʃɪn, ˈkɒtʃ ɪn)

n. an Asian chicken, resembling the Brahma but slightly smaller. [1850–55; short for Cochin-China fowl]


(ˈkoʊ tʃɪn)

n. a seaport in W Kerala, in SW India: first European fort in India, built by Portuguese 1503. 686,000.
Noun1.cochin - Asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legscochin - Asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legscochin chinadomestic fowl, fowl, poultry - a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl



(kō'chĭn`), former princely state, 1,493 sq mi (3,867 sq km), SW India, on the Arabian Sea. Now part of Kerala state, the region of Cochin has one of the highest population densities in India. Agriculture is the chief economic activity. Ernakulam was the former capital and Kochi, formerly Cochin (1991 pop. 1,140,605), the chief port. The finest port S of Mumbai, Kochi, with its naval base and shipbuilding industry, is the primary training center for the Indian Navy. After Vasco da Gama visited Kochi (1502), the Portuguese established a settlement. The Dutch captured it in 1663 and the British in 1795. In adjoining Mattancheri there is a small community of descendants of Jews expelled from Portugal in the 16th cent., thought to be the oldest Jewish enclave in India.



a city and port in southern India, in Kerala State, on the bank of one of the lagoons of the Arabian Sea. Population, 438,000 (1971). In 1502, at the time of the arrival of Europeans on the Malabar Coast, Vasco da Gama’s expedition reached Cochin. A Portuguese fort was founded there in 1503, and since the 17th century, the city has been an important trading center. The port’s annual freight turnover is about 2.5 million tons. Exports through Cochin include coconuts, rubber, tea, cashew nuts, and spices, and the principal imports are coal, petroleum and petroleum products, grain, and machinery. The city has textile and food-processing plants and an oil refinery.


1. a region and former state of SW India: part of Kerala state since 1956 2. a port in SW India, on the Malabar Coast: the first European settlement in India, founded by Vasco da Gama in 1502: shipbuilding, engineering. Pop.: 596 473 (2001) 3. a large breed of domestic fowl, with dense plumage and feathered legs, that originated in Cochin China


ginger (Zingiber Officinale)

(jin-jer) ginger,


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),

ginger root

(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),

Jamaica ginger

(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name)


Therapeutic: antiemetics
Prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, loss of appetite, pregnancy, surgery, and chemotherapyPrevention of postoperative nausea and vomitingMay be used for dyspepsia, flatulence, relief of joint pain in rheumatoid arthritis, cramping, and diarrheaMigraine headacheTonic (toning/strengthening agent) in gout, gas, respiratory infections, anti-inflammatory, stimulant (tones the gut, increases saliva and gastric juices, acts as anticoagulant, decreases blood cholesterol)


Antiemetic effect due to increasing GI motility and transport; may act on serotonin receptors.Shown to be hypoglycemic, hypotensive or hypertensive, and positive inotropic agent.Inhibits prostaglandins and platelets, lowers cholesterol, and improves appetite and digestion.

Therapeutic effects

↓ nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness, surgery, and chemotherapy.↓ joint pain and improvement of joint motion in rheumatoid arthritis.Antioxidant.


Absorption: Unknown.Distribution: Unknown.Metabolism and Excretion: Unknown.Half-life: Unknown.

Time/action profile



Contraindicated in: Lactation (if using large amounts); Gallstones.Use Cautiously in: Pregnancy (preliminary evidence that ginger might affect fetal sex hormones); Patients with ↑ risk of bleeding; Diabetes; Anticoagulant therapy; Cardiovascular disease.

Adverse Reactions/Side Effects


  • minor heartburn


  • dermatitis (when used topically)


May ↑ risk of bleeding when used with anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, and thrombolytics.May have additive effects with antidiabetic agents (causing hypoglycemia) and calcium channel blockers (causing hypotension).May theoretically ↑ risk of bleeding when used with other herbs that have anticoagulant or antiplatelet activities.Oral (Adults) Motion sickness—1000 mg dried ginger root taken 30 min–4 hr before travel or 250 mg qid. Postoperative nausea prevention—1000 mg ginger taken 1 hr before induction or anesthesia. Chemotherapy–induced nausea—2-4 g/day. Up to 2 g freshly powdered drug has been used as an antiemetic (not to exceed 4 g/day). Migraine headache-500 mg at onset then 500 mg every 4 hrs up to 1.5–2 g/day for 3–4 daysOsteoarthritis—170 mg tid or 255 mg bid of ginger extract. Whole root rhizome—0.25–1 g for other illnesses. Tea—pour 150 mL boiling water over 0.5–1 g of ginger and strain after 5 min. Tinture—0.25-3 mL.


Alone or in combination with other herbal medicinals: OTCDried powdered root: OTCSyrup: OTCTincture: OTCTablets: OTCCapsules (≥550 mg): OTCSpice: OTCTea: OTC

Nursing implications

Nursing assessment

  • Assess patient for nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, and pain prior to and after administration of the herb when used as an antiemetic agent.
  • Assess pain location, duration, intensity, and associated symptoms (photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, vomiting) during migraine attack.
  • Assess pain, swelling, and range of motion in affected joints prior to and after administration when used in the treatment of arthritis.
  • Assess patient for epigastric pain prior to and after administration when used as a gastroprotective agent.
  • Monitor BP and heart rate in patients with cardiovascular disease including hypertension.
  • Lab Test Considerations: Monitor blood glucose and coagulation panels periodically during therapy.

Potential Nursing Diagnoses

Acute pain (Indications)
Deficient knowledge, related to medication regimen (Patient/Family Teaching)


  • Administer ginger prior to situations where nausea or vomiting is anticipated (e.g., motion sickness).
  • Dosage form and strengths vary with each disease state. Ensure that proper formulation and dose are administered for the indicated use.

Patient/Family Teaching

  • Instruct patients receiving anticoagulants not to take this herb without the advice of health care professional (increased risk of bleeding).
  • Tell patient to stop the herb immediately if palpitations occur and notify health care professional.
  • Advise patient to observe for easy bruising or other signs of bleeding. If they occur, stop the herb immediately and notifyt health care professional.
  • Warn patients with a history of gallbladder disease to use this herb only under the supervision of health care professional.
  • Instruct patient to consult health care professional before taking any Rx, OTC, or other herbal products concurrently with ginger.
  • Herb is meant to be used as a tonic, not for long-term use.

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes

  • Prevention of nausea and vomiting.
  • Relief of epigastric pain.
  • Improved joint mobility and relief of pain.
  • Relief of migraine headache.


  • noun

Synonyms for cochin

noun Asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legs


  • cochin china

Related Words

  • domestic fowl
  • fowl
  • poultry




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