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DictionarySeebodycoccygeal body
coccygeal body[käk′sij·ē·əl ′bä‚dē] (anatomy) A small mass of vascular tissue near the tip of the coccyx. coccygeal body
coc·cyg·e·al bod·y [TA] an arteriovenous (arteriolovenular) anastomosis supplied by the middle sacral artery and located on the pelvic surface of the coccyx. It was formerly called a gland (that is, gland of Luschka) or a glomus and included with the paraganglia. Synonym(s): corpus coccygeum [TA], glomus coccygeum [TA], arteriococcygeal gland, coccygeal glandcoc·cyg·e·al body (kok-sij'ē-ăl bod'ē) [TA] An arteriovenous (arteriolovenular) anastomosis supplied by the middle sacral artery and located on the pelvic surface of the coccyx. coccygeal bodyAn arteriovenous anastomosis at the tip of the coccyx formed by the middle sacral artery. Synonym: glomus coccygeumSee also: bodyFinancialSeeBody |