释义 |
Alder bodies Al·der bod·ies (ahl'dĕr), granular inclusions in polymorphonuclear leukocytes; they take on a dark color with Giemsa-Wright stain and react metachromatically with toluidine blue. See also: Alder anomaly. Alder-Reilly bodies Large, purple or purplish-black, coarse, azurophilic granules resembling primary granules of promyelocytes seen in the cytoplasm of virtually all mature leukocytes and, occasionally, in their precursors; ARGs are seen in Alder-Reilly anomaly.Alder, Albert von, 1888–. Alder anomaly - coarse azurophilic granulation of leukocytes, especially granulocytes, which may be associated with gargoylism and Morquio disease.Alder bodies - granular inclusions in polymorphonuclear leukocytes.Alder-Reilly anomaly - Synonym(s): Reilly bodies |