

单词 dvp
释义 EncyclopediaSeeGerman People's Party


Delivery versus Payment

A settlement procedure in which the buyer and the seller of a security agree that the seller will pay the buyer upon the security's delivery to the seller. This agreement is designed to reduce risk to both parties: if the delivery and payment do not occur at the same time there is a risk, however small, of theft by one party or the other. It is more commonly known as cash on delivery.


See delivery versus payment.


DVPDavenport (Amtrak station code; Davenport, IA)
DVPDomestic Violence Program
DVPDelivery Versus Payment (trading account opened by institutions)
DVPDon Valley Parkway (Toronto, Canada expressway)
DVPDomestic Violence Prevention
DVPDivision Vice President
DVPDvd Player
DVPDigital Video Player
DVPDevice Parameter
DVPDigital Video Producer
DVPDigital Voice Processor
DVPDominion Virginia Power
DVPDisney Vacation Planning
DVPDivision of Violence Prevention
DVPDeutsche Volkspartei (German People's Party)
DVPdivalproex sodium
DVPDigital Video Processor
DVPDa Vinci Prostatectomy (prostate cancer surgery)
DVPDistinguished Visiting Professor
DVPDistinguished Visitor Program
DVPDifferential Value Proposition (measurement)
DVPDesktop Video Player
DVPDistance Vector Protocol
DVPDiverse Voices Project
DVPDigital Voice Protection (Motorola patent)
DVPDedicated Voice Port
DVPDvorak for Programmers (keyboard layout variant)
DVPDerudder Véhicules Professionnels (French vehicle company)
DVPDistinct Value Proposition (finance)
DVPDigital Visual Presenter (various comapanies)
DVPDigital Voice Privacy (Motorola)
DVPDesign Validation Plan (engineering)
DVPDomestic Violence Project, Inc
DVPDusty Vinyl Productions (rap group)
DVPDeputy Vice President (job title)
DVPDecessit Vita Patris (Latin: Died in Father's Lifetime)
DVPDel Padre Visual Productions
DVPData Voice Power (Services Australia Pty Ltd)
DVPDigital Vantage Point Inc
DVPDigital Video Projection
DVPDevelopment Verification Platform (aviation)
DVPDelaware Valley Poets
DVPDigital Video Productions LLC (Atlanta, GA)
DVPDefence Video Productions (UK)
DVPDesign Verification Program
DVPDeadline Violation Probability
DVPDemocratic Values and Practice
DVPDigital Village Pump (community networks)
DVPDiscount Vidéo Promo (France)
DVPDeep Venous Pressure
DVPDunbar Video Productions LLC (Holly, MI)




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