Coats disease

ex·u·da·tive ret·i·ni·tis

, retinitis exudativaa chronic abnormality characterized by deposition of cholesterol and cholesterol esters in outer retinal layers and subretinal space. In adults, often preceded by uveitis; in children, often preceded by retinal vascular abnormalities. Synonym(s): Coats disease

Coats dis·ease

(kōts di-zēz') A condition with findings that include yellow subretinal exudates and telangiectactic retinal vessels; typically unilateral and often associated with serous retinal detachment.

Coats disease

(kōts) [George Coats, Brit. ophthalmologist, 1876–1915] A congenital, unilateral nonhereditary disorder of the retina characterized by aneurysmal dilation of blood vessels with prominent subretinal exudate. This term is used to describe at least six separate retinal disorders.


George, English ophthalmologist, 1876-1915. Coats disease - a chronic abnormality characterized by deposition of cholesterol in outer retinal layers and subretinal space. Synonym(s): exudative retinitis