

单词 fid



(word root) dividedExamples of words with the root -fid: bifid


F0104800 (fĭd)n. Nautical 1. A square bar used as a support for a topmast.2. A large tapering pin used to open the strands of a rope before splicing.
[Origin unknown.]


(fɪd) n1. (Nautical Terms) a spike for separating strands of rope in splicing2. (Nautical Terms) a wooden or metal bar for supporting the heel of a topmast[C17: of unknown origin]



n. Naut. 1. a stout bar of wood or metal placed across a lower spar to support a higher one. 2. a stout bar used to hold a running bowsprit in its extended position. [1605–15; orig. uncertain]


a combining form meaning “having parts or lobes” of the kind specified by the initial element: bifid; pinnatifid. [< Latin -fidus, derivative of findere to split]




A wooden pin, usually only a few inches long, tapered to a point and used to separate the strands of small rope. A marlinespike is generally much heavier, often of metal, and used on steel cable and larger rope.



(spectroscopy) free induction decay


FIDFestival Internacional de Diseno (Spanish: International Design Festival)
FIDFlame Ionization Detector
FIDFlat Incline Decline (exercise equipment)
FIDFeathered Kid (birds)
FIDFinancial Institutions Development
FIDFédération Internationale du Diabète (French: International Diabetes Federation)
FIDFederated Identity Service (computing)
FIDFree Induction Decay
FIDForeign Internal Defense
FIDFrequency Id
FIDFilter Identifier
FIDFormat Indicator
FIDFile Identifier Descriptor
FIDFace ID (Identification; Apple iPhone)
FIDFinal Investment Decision
FIDFinancial Investment Decision (various organizations)
FIDFur Is Dead
FIDFirearms Identification (card)
FIDFoire Internationale du Dessin (French: International Exhibition of Drawing)
FIDFinancial Institutions Duty (Australia)
FIDFault Isolation Device
FIDFederation Internationale de Documentation
FIDFormat Identifier
FIDFédération Internationale d'information et de Documentation
FIDField Identifier
FIDFeature Identification
FIDFonds d'Intervention pour le Développement (French: Development Intervention Fund; Madagascar)
FIDFixed Income Division
FIDFremantle International Distribution
FIDFormat Identification
FIDFinished Inside Depth (engineering tolerance)
FIDFirst in Defense (motto/nickname for USS Forrestal)
FIDForeign Income Dividend
FIDFile Identifier Descriptor (CD-R)
FIDFrequency Identifier (computing)
FIDFunction Identifier
FIDFrame Identifier
FIDFederacion Internacional de Domino (Spanish: International Domino Federation)
FIDFormación Integral Docente (Spanish: Comprehensive Teacher Training; Chile)
FIDField Interface Device
FIDForce Identification
FIDFondation Internationale pour Le Développement (French: International Foundation for Development)
FIDFrom Invoice Date
FIDFault Insertion Device
FIDFederal Identifier
FIDFormat Identification Data
FIDFault Isolation Detection
FIDForest Inspection Division
FIDFault Isolation Diagnostics
FIDForce Integration Division (usually in G3 Operations office)
FIDFailure Identifier
FIDFeature Identification Data
FIDFlight Instrumentation Division
FIDForeign Intelligence Defense
FIDFunctional Interface Document
FIDFunctional Interface Drawing
FIDFixed Induction Date (US DoD)
FIDField Induction Date
FIDFully Integrated Delivery
FIDFault Indicator Directory
FIDForeign Identification Designator (munitions)




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