Acronym | Definition |
FCSI➣Foodservice Consultants Society International |
FCSI➣Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute |
FCSI➣Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (Canadian Securities Institute) |
FCSI➣Football Club Sud Isère (French: South Isère Football Club: Isère, France) |
FCSI➣Financial Computer Support, Inc. (Oakland, MD) |
FCSI➣Fédération des Centres Sociaux de l'Isère (French: Federation of Social Centers in Isère; Isère, France) |
FCSI➣Franklin Collection Service, Inc. (Mississippi) |
FCSI➣Fournisseur de Conseils et de Services Informatiques (French: Provider of Consulting and Information Technology Services) |
FCSI➣Fiber Channel Systems Initiative |
FCSI➣Full Channel State Information |
FCSI➣Franche Comté Sécurité Incendie (French fire safety company) |
FCSI➣Fellow, Constuction Specifications Institute (honorary title) |
FCSI➣Field Consulting and Services, Inc. (Orlando, FL) |
FCSI➣Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments |