Acronym | Definition |
FCSA➣Fifty Caliber Shooter's Association |
FCSA➣Football Côte Saint André (French football club) |
FCSA➣Fichier Central des Sinistres Automobiles (French: Central Files Automobile Claims; database; Canada) |
FCSA➣Florida Citrus Sports Association |
FCSA➣Feasibility Cost Share Agreement |
FCSA➣Fee-Charge System Administrator (US FEMA) |
FCSA➣Fellow of the Chartered Secretaries Australia |
FCSA➣Fertility Center of San Antonio (Texas) |
FCSA➣Seaman Apprentice, Fire Controlman Striker (Naval Rating) |
FCSA➣Foreign Currency Savings Account |
FCSA➣Future COMSATCOM (Commercial Satellite Communications) Services Acquisition (US General Services Administration) |