Business Astrology Publications
Business Astrology Publications
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)Date First Published | Author | Title of Book |
1928 | Alfred Witte | Rules for Planetary Pictures |
1938 | Louise McWhirter | Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting |
1943 | Edward R. Dewey and Edwin Dakin | Cycles: The Science of Prediction |
1944 | George Bayer | Turning Four Hundred Years of Astrology to Practical Use |
1959 | David Williams | Astro-Economics |
1962 | Charles E. Luntz | Vocational Guidance by Astrology |
1970 | Edward R. Dewey | Cycles—Selected Writings |
1976 | Arthur M. Young | The Geometry of Meaning |
1976 | Thomas Rieder | Astrological Warnings and the Stock Market |
1977 | Raymond Merriman | The Solar Return Book of Prediction |
1977 | Raymond Merriman | Evolutionary Astrology |
1979 | Jack Gillen | The Key to Speculation on the New York Stock Exchange |
1981 | Doris Chase Doane | Vocational Selection and Counseling (2 vols.) |
1982 | Raymond Merriman | The Gold Book |
1984 | Carol Mull | Standard & Poor’s 500 |
1986 | Carol Mull | 750 Over the Counter Stocks |
1989 | Joan McEvers, ed. | Financial Astrology for the 1990’s |
1989 | Theodore Landscheidt | Sun-Earth-Man: A Mesh of Cosmic Oscillations |
1990 | Neil F. Michelsen | Tables of Planetary Phenomena |
1991 | Michael Munkasey | The Concept Dictionary |
1991 | Michael Munkasey | Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets |
1991 | Noel Tyl | Prediction in Astrology |
1991 | Noel Tyl | Predictions for a New Millennium |
1992 | Noel Tyl | How to Use Vocational Astrology |
1993 | Barbara Koval | Time & Money |
1994 | Bill Meridian | Planetary Stock Trading |
1994 | Graham Bates and Jane Chrzanowska | Money and the Markets |
1994 | Nicholas Campion | The Great Year |
1994 | Raymond Merriman | Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics |
1995 | Nicholas Campion | The World Book of Horoscopes |
1995 | Nicholas Campion | The Book of World Horoscopes |
1996 | Suitbert Eertel and Ken Irving | The Tenacious Mars Effect |
1998 | James A. Hyerczyk | Pattern, Price & Time: Using Gann Theory in Trading Systems |
1999 | Raymond Merriman | Stock Market Timing |
1999 | Stephanie Clement | Charting Your Career |
2000 | Garry Phillipson | Astrology in the Year Zero |
2001 | Stephanie Clement | Power of the Midheaven |
2001 | Georgia Anna Stathis | Business Astrology 101: Weaving the Web between Business/Myth |
2002 | Bill Meridian | Planetary Stock Trading-III |
2002 | Bill Meridian | Planetary Economic Forecasting |
2002 | Raymond Merriman | The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing |
2002 | Michael Munkasey | Software: Corporation, First Trade, and IPO Subscription Data |
Another individual who contributed to the development of business astrology was George Bayer, who, in 1944, wrote several books on stock market movements. He referred to such things as the position of Mercury and its speed in terms of commodities. He also looked at Venus in the same way and much more. Though his focus was on trends, he actually was one of the first to pioneer the study of commodities. His interesting work on commodities and their cycles included the study of individual planets and their operational movements.
This focus on the individual planets and their effect on the commodities they ruled was a forerunner of the inclusion of planets and their meanings within the context of individual company charts. Edward Dewey and Edwin Dakin also contributed tremendous amounts of literature to the study of cycles in their 1947 book Cycles: The Science of Prediction and Dewey’s 1970 book Cycles: Selected Writings. The latter book and many others were part of the research findings found and published in their organization for the Study of Cycles for many years.
Concurrent with the publication of Dewey’s and Dakin’s works and the beginning of the study of financial astrology, Charles E. Luntz wrote Vocational Guidance by Astrology, which was another offshoot of business astrology moving into the study of vocations and the individual natal chart. This is part of the modern-day business astrology. Doris Chase Doane also wrote the two-volume Vocational Selection and Counseling in the early 1980s.
It was during the 1980s that a great deal of literature was published and started coming from many different sources. Carol Mull wrote Standard and Poor’s 500 in 1984 and 750 Over the Counter Stocks in 1986. In the first book, she lists, by industry and in natal chart formats, the charts of the companies on the Standard and Poor’s list at that time.
Thus began the distinction between the two disciplines. At the same time, Grace Morris began conferences on astro-economics that continue throughout the world today and include lectures from both the worlds of financial and business astrology. Many of the pioneers of this new industry are included in these conferences. Some of the first Morris conferences were in conjunction with Mull. To this day, Morris works in the field of corporate astrology and each year publishes How to Choose Stocks That Will Outperform the Market.
On other organizational fronts, the International Society for Business Astrologers was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 10, 1997, at 9:09 a.m. Their website is available at Other organizations such as the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN), and the United Astrology Congress (UAC) also present conferences with business and financial astrology as their teaching tracks.
Alice Q. Reichard of California began lecturing on real estate cycles in the late 1990s. Her groundbreaking work on the study of the transiting lunar nodes still holds today as real estate values increase and decrease along with interest rates. Her work, along with the upsurge of books on vocational astrology and the continuing study of companies and their first trades, which was pioneered by Bill Meridian in his book series Planetary Stock Forecasting, shuttled the study of business astrology into high gear as the early 1990s arrived. At this time, Llewellyn Publishing invited Joan McEvers to gather and edit articles from various people in the field of business and financial astrology, including such astrologers as Robert Cole, Mary Downing, Georgia Stathis, Bill Meridian, Judy Johns, Carol Mull, Pat Esclavon-Hardy, Jeanne Long, and Michael Munkasey. The resulting book, Financial Astrology for the 1990s, was reprinted three times, and the trend of the 1990s was set for more people becoming interested in business and financial astrology.
In the 1970s, particularly in the later part of the decade, as the personal computer became more accessible to astrologers, a number of individuals started developing their various areas of expertise. A partial list (in alphabetical order) of these individuals includes Karen Boesen (of Denmark), Tim Bost, Matt Carnicelli, Mary Downing, Pat Esclavon-Hardy, Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur, Vladimir Gorbatcevich, Robert Gover, Geraldine Hannon, Judy Johns, Barbara Koval, Maarit Laurento (of Finland), Bill Meridian, Raymond Merriman, Grace Morris, Carol Mull, Robert Mulligan, Michael Munkasey, Hannah Lund (of Denmark), Paul Yogi Niperness, Kay Shinker, Georgia Stathis, and Norman Winski (working with commodities), and Manfred Zimmel (of Austria).
As would be expected, the collection of company and first trade charts increased so heavily that software began to be written and published to help manage the data and assist in stock trends and market moves. Software pioneers include Jeanne Long, with her Galactic Trader package, and Raymond Merriman, author of the Gold Book and the The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing series, who designed F. A. R. software, which is sold in conjunction with Galactic Trader. Bill Meridian’s data are included in Alphee Lavoie’s software, Astro Analyst; David Cochrane’s Cosmic Patterns software includes financial analyst tools; and Michael Munkasey is currently gathering and updating thousands of first trade charts, initial public offering dates, and incorporation dates with his subscription software.
In recent years, the news media has begun to interview both business and financial astrologers for their findings. Some of the interviews are even becoming favorable! These media entities include CNN, Nightline, the Los Angeles Times, Fortune, Time, and so forth. As a result, the use of astrology in determining business trends and cycles is becoming popular and favored because it serves as a useful tool in planning.
In 2001, Georgia Stathis, a business astrologer since the early 1980s, published Business Astrology: Weaving the Web between Business and Myth. This book is devoted solely to business and vocational astrology and is a hybrid publication cross-pollinating the ancient myths and stories, their relevance to the planets, and how those definitions may be incorporated into determining professions or corporation plans. Stathis incorporates the lunation cycle—an ancient study—to modern vocational and corporate development movements.
More and more individuals are requiring the service of a good business astrologer to help them understand the changing patterns of their companies, whether they are sole-proprietor organizations or large companies. As many business astrologers are beginning to collaborate with their peers to serve the greater business communities, both national and international, business astrology is slowly developing a foothold in international business. As the public becomes more exposed to business astrology and reviews its results, the usefulness of business astrology will seamlessly integrate into companies that have foresight and progressive ideas in both national and international business.
—Georgia Stathis