Bushinskii, Vladimir

Bushinskii, Vladimir Petrovich


Born Mar. 2 (14), 1885, in Ekaterinoslav; died Apr. 22, 1960, in Moscow. Soviet soil scholar. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939); academician of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1948).

Bushinskii was a student of V. R. Vil’iams. In 1922 he became a professor in the department of soil studies at the Petrovskaia Agricultural Academy (now the K. A. Timiriazev Agricultural Academy), and in 1939, head of that department. From 1938 to 1948 he worked on the Gosplan (State Planning Committee) of the USSR as deputy chairman of the Council of Scientific-Technical Expertise.

His principal works are on the development of methods for raising soil fertility. Bushinskii studied the soils of the steppe, semisteppe, and desert areas of the USSR. He was awarded six orders, as well as medals.