

单词 atb



abbreviation for (Telecommunications) text messaging all the best


all-terrain bike.


ATBAbility to Benefit
ATBAll The Best
ATBAuthority to Board (commercial trade)
ATBArab Tunisian Bank (Tunisia)
ATBAndy Timmons Band
ATBAlberta Treasury Branches
ATBAbsolutely the Best (various companies)
ATBActive Time Battle (roleplaying game)
ATBAcross the Board
ATBAndré Tanneberger (musician)
ATBAntibiotice SA (Romania)
ATBAmerica The Beautiful
ATBActive Time Battle
ATBActive Turn Based
ATBAnguilla Tourist Board
ATBAlternate Top Bevel (saw blades)
ATBApproved Training Body (UK)
ATBAll Terrain Bike
ATBAdvanced Trace Bus (computing)
ATBAll Terrain Binoculars (ruggedized all-weather binoculars)
ATBAll-Time Best
ATBAnti-Terrorism Bill (various locations)
ATBAdvanced Technology Bomber (B-2)
ATBAutomatic Torque Biasing
ATBAssociation for Tropical Biology
ATBAll Time Buy
ATBAll Terrain Board
ATBAll Trunks Busy
ATBAsphalt Treated Base
ATBAmerica's Talent Bank
ATBArticulated Total Body
ATBAir Terminal Building
ATBAutomated Ticket and Boarding Pass (airline industry)
ATBAtmospheric Tower Bottom (industrial process)
ATBAged Trial Balance (accounts receivable)
ATBAuburn Tourism Board (Washington)
ATBArticulated Tug and Barge
ATBAutomatische Trein Beinvloeding (Dutch: automatic train control)
ATBAgricultural Training Board
ATBAmazon Tree Boa (snake)
ATBAdvanced Tactical Bomber
ATBAir to Boil (temperature)
ATBAir Turn Back (aviation)
ATBAfter the Bang (period just after the Big Bang)
ATBAvailable to Build (Dell)
ATBAir Transport Board (Canada)
ATBAnti-Terrorist Branch (UK)
ATBAnalytical Tool Box
ATBAustrian Testing Board
ATBAir Technical Battalion
ATBArmy Training Board
ATBAbove-Ground Telecommunications Backbone
ATBAntenna Test Bed
ATBAuthorization to Buy (government contracting)
ATBAir Target Board
ATBAviation Test Board
ATBAirborne Test Bed
ATBAssociation Thiaisienne de Badminton (French badminton association)
ATBAir Transport Brigade
ATBArmy Transportation Board
ATBAviation Training Board
ATBAdvanced Training Base
ATBAutomatic Ticket Barrier
ATBAuto Theft Bureau (law enforcement)
ATBAtypical Tuberculosis
ATBAtmospheric Test Ban
ATBAdaptive Two-step Allowing Backtracking (IEEE)




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