

单词 for example

for example


E0260300 (ĭg-zăm′pəl)n.1. One that is representative of a group as a whole: the squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use.2. One serving as a pattern of a specific kind: set a good example by arriving on time.3. A similar case that constitutes a model or precedent: a unique episode, without example in maritime history.4. a. A punishment given as a warning or deterrent: saw the boy's suspension as an example to all students considering breaking the rules.b. One that has been given such a punishment: made an example of the offender.5. A problem or exercise used to illustrate a principle or method.Idiom: for example As an illustrative instance: Wear something simple; for example, a skirt and blouse.
[Middle English, from Old French example, essaumple, from Latin exemplum, from eximere, to take out : ex-, ex- + emere, to take; see em- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: example, instance, case1, illustration, specimen
These nouns refer to what is representative of or serves to explain a larger group or class. An example is a typically representative part that demonstrates the character of the whole: "Of the despotism to which unrestrained military power leads we have plenty of examples from Alexander to Mao" (Samuel Eliot Morison).
An instance is an example that is cited to prove or illustrate a point: offered the statistics as an instance of why the penal system needed to be overhauled. A case is an example belonging to a particular category: a case of life imitating art. An illustration clarifies or explains: "[The author] has provided an illustration of a first-rate experimental mind at work" (Richard Bernstein).
Specimen often denotes an individual, representative member of a group or class: This poem is an excellent specimen of her work.
Adv.1.for example - as an example; "take ribbon snakes, for example"e.g., for instance


(igˈzaːmpl) noun1. something that represents other things of the same kind; a specimen. an example of his handwriting. 樣本 样本2. something that shows clearly or illustrates a fact etc. Can you give me an example of how this word is used? 例子 例子3. a person or thing that is a pattern to be copied. She was an example to the rest of the class. 榜樣 榜样4. a warning to be heeded. Let this be an example to you, and never do it again! 儆戒 鉴戒for example (often abbreviated to eg ) (iːˈdʒiː) for instance; as an example. Several European countries have no sea-coast – for example, Switzerland and Austria. 例如 例如make an example of to punish as a warning to others. The judge decided to make an example of the young thief and sent him to prison for five years. 懲一儆百 惩一儆百set (someone) an example to act in such a way that other people will copy one's behaviour. Teachers must set a good example to their pupils. 樹立榜樣 树立榜样

For example

For example, the action of quare impedit is local, inasmuch as the benefice,in the right of presentation to which the plaintiff complains of beingobstructed, is so. 7 Co. 3 a; 1 Chit. Pl. 271; Com. Dig. Actions, N 4.Within this class of cases are also many actions in which only pecuniarydamages are recoverable. Such are the common law action of waste, andtrespass quare clausum fregit; as likewise trespass on the case for injuriesaffecting things real, as for nuisances to houses or lands; disturbance ofrights of way or of common; obstruction or diversion of ancient watercourses, &c. 1 Chit. Pl. 271; Gould on Pl. ch. 3, Sec. 105, 106, 107. Theaction of replevin, also, though it lies for damages only, and does notarise out of the violation of any local right, is nevertheless local. 1Saund. 347, n. 1. The reason of its locality appears to be the necessity ofgiving a local description of the taking complained of. Gould on Pl. ch. 3,Sec. 111. A scire facias upon a record, (which is an action, 2 Term Rep.46,) although to some intents, a continuation of the original suit, 1 TermRep. 388, is also local.
 10.-2. Personal actions which seek nothing more than the recovery ofmoney or personal chattels of any kind, are in most cases transitory,whether they sound in tort or in contract; Com. Dig. Actions, N 12; 1 Chit.Pl. 273; because actions of this class are, in most instances, founded onthe violation of rights which, in contemplation of law, have no locality. 1Saund. 241, b, note 6. And it will be found true, as a general position,that actions ex delicto, in which a mere personalty is recoverable, are, bythe common law, transitory; except when founded upon, or arising out of somelocal subject. Gould on Pl. ch. 3, Sec. 112. The venue in a transitoryaction may be laid in any county which the plaintiff may prefer. Bac. Abr.Actions Local, &c. A. (a.)
 11. In the civil law actions are divided into real, personal, and mixed.A real action, according to the civil law, is that which he who is the ownerof a thing, or, has a right in it, has against him who is in possession ofit, to compel him to give up the plaintiff, or to permit him to enjoy theright he has in it. It is a right which a person has in a thing, follows thething, and may be instituted against him who possesses it; and this whetherthe thing be movable or immovable and, in the sense of the common law,whether the thing be real or personal. See Domat, Supp. des Lois Civiles,Liv. 4, tit. 1, n. 5; Pothier, Introd. Generales aux Coutumes 110; Ersk. Pr.Scot. Law, B. 4, t. 1, Sec. 2.
 12. A personal action is that which a creditor has against his debtor,to compel him to fulfill his engagement. Pothier, lb. Personal actions aredivided into civil actions and criminal actions. The former are those whichare instituted to compel the payment or to do some other thing purely civilthe latter are those by which the plaintiff asks the reparation of a tort orinjury which he or those who belong to him have sustained. Sometimes thesetwo kinds of actions are united when they assume the name of mixed personalactions. Domat, Supp. des Lois Civiles, Liv. 4, tit. 1, n. 4; 1 Brown's Civ.Law, 440.
 13. Mixed actions participate both of personal and real actions. Suchare the actions of partition, and to compel the parties to put downlandmarks or boundaries. Domat, ubi supra.

See FE

for example

  • adv

Synonyms for for example

adv as an example


  • e.g.
  • for instance




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