Certification of Equipment
Certification of Equipment
a method of keeping records on equipment. Certification makes it possible to establish the technical level, the condition, and the working and general parameters of equipment. Certification is also used to determine prospects for equipment modernization and repair and to ensure the rational use of equipment in the production process.
Equipment is usually certified by the manufacturing enterprise, and the certification document, or equipment certificate, is turned over to the customer with the equipment. Measures to improve technology and intensify production entail systematic review of certification data. Therefore, the certification of the equipment is partly done at the installation site, and specifications are refined after capital repairs and modernization of the equipment. At some enterprises certification documents are reviewed periodically; in this case a thorough revision may not be necessary. Certification of equipment at enterprises is usually done by the chief mechanic’s department.
In the process of equipment certification, all the working parameters and control and regulatory systems are checked, and the functions of the given equipment are defined more precisely. Kinematic and power calculations are made, operating and maximum tolerable parameters for speed, temperature, and pressure are determined, and optimal operating modes are fixed.
The result of equipment certification is the certificate, a technical document that contains information on the basic functions and special applications of the equipment, both of which determine rational equipment use. The content and scope of the certificate depend on the type of equipment. The certificate includes general information; for example, the certificate of a machine tool includes an operational diagram, a list and description of instruments and attachments used with the tool, a description of the control system, an electrical diagram of the drive system, and other information. The certificate of special equipment contains detailed information on its maximum productive capacity, while the certificate for general-purpose equipment contains information that makes it possible to choose an efficient operating mode for the manufacture of specific products and to determine the range of applications of the equipment.
In industry, group, complete, and abbreviated equipment certificates are compiled. Group certificates describe either a group of similar pieces of equipment or a complex of equipment that is used in a particular subdivision (section, shop) and that is specially designed for the production of a particular output. The abbreviated certificate contains the most basic and general characteristics of the equipment, while the complete one gives a detailed description.
All general-purpose and specialized equipment manufactured in the USSR is delivered to the customer with a complete certificate. The methodology for completing all types of certificates is uniform and is based on the general classification system for machines and other mechanical systems.
Information from equipment certification is used in working out production processes, developing instructions, and planning schedules for capital repair and modernization of equipment. These data are also used to develop safety measures, to establish technically sound norms for labor intensiveness in manufacturing, and to determine the productive capacity of machines and machine complexes. The certificate is used in the planning of optimal equipment loads and maximum utilization of equipment. During certification of equipment special instruments are used to make it possible to determine all the data required for the certificates. The certificate is drawn up by specially trained employees.