

单词 effect



a result; an influence: His protest had no effect. [The words affect and effect are among the most frequently confused words. Affect means to bring about a change, to move emotionally, or to infect, as a disease. Its core meaning is to evoke a usually strong mental or emotional response from. Effect means consequence, outcome, upshot. Its core meaning is something brought about by a cause.]
Not to be confused with:affect – to pretend; influence: It will affect the outcome.


E0048100 (ĭ-fĕkt′)n.1. Something brought about by a cause or agent; a result.2. The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result: The government's action had little effect on the trade imbalance.3. Advantage; avail: used her words to great effect in influencing the jury.4. The condition of being in full force or execution; operativeness: a new regulation that goes into effect tomorrow.5. a. Something that produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention: The lighting effects emphasized the harsh atmosphere of the drama.b. A particular impression: large windows that gave an effect of spaciousness.c. Production of a desired impression: spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.6. The basic or general meaning; import: He said he was greatly worried, or words to that effect.7. effects Movable belongings; goods.tr.v. ef·fect·ed, ef·fect·ing, ef·fects To bring about; make happen; cause or accomplish: effect a cure for a disease; effect a change in policy. See Usage Note at affect1.Idioms: in effect In essence; to all purposes: testimony that in effect contradicted her earlier statement. to the effect that With the general meaning that: He said something to the effect that he was sorry.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin effectus, from past participle of efficere, to accomplish : ex-, ex- + facere, to make; see dhē- in Indo-European roots.]
ef·fect′er n.ef·fect′i·ble adj.Synonyms: effect, consequence, result, outcome, upshot
These nouns denote an occurrence, situation, or condition that is produced by a cause or agent. Effect stresses the idea of influence or alteration: a drug whose main effect is to lower hypertension; increased erosion that was the effect of deforestation.
A consequence follows naturally or logically from its cause: a broken wrist that was the consequence of a fall; a reduction in crime that was the consequence of better policing.
A result is viewed as the end product of the operation of the cause: improved his grades as a result of better study habits; an experiment with an unexpected result.
An outcome more strongly implies finality and may suggest the resolution of a complex or lengthy process: The trial's outcome might have changed if the defendant had testified.
An upshot is a decisive result, often of the nature of a climax: "The upshot of the matter ... was that she showed both of them the door" (Robert Louis Stevenson).


(ɪˈfɛkt) n1. something that is produced by a cause or agent; result2. power or ability to influence or produce a result; efficacy: with no effect. 3. the condition of being operative (esp in the phrases in or into effect): the law comes into effect at midnight. 4. take effect to become operative or begin to produce results5. basic meaning or purpose (esp in the phrase to that effect)6. an impression, usually one that is artificial or contrived (esp in the phrase for effect)7. a scientific phenomenon: the Doppler effect. 8. in effect a. in fact; actuallyb. for all practical purposes9. the overall impression or result: the effect of a painting. vb (tr) to cause to occur; bring about; accomplish[C14: from Latin effectus a performing, tendency, from efficere to accomplish, from facere to do] efˈfecter n efˈfectible adj



n. 1. something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence. 2. power to produce results; efficacy; force: The protest had no effect. 3. the state of being effective or operative; operation or execution: to bring a plan into effect. 4. a mental or emotional impression produced, as by a painting or speech. 5. general meaning or purpose; intent: I wrote a letter to that effect. 6. the making of a desired impression: The expensive car was only for effect. 7. an illusory phenomenon: a three-dimensional effect. 8. a scientific phenomenon (usu. named for its discoverer): the Doppler effect. v.t. 9. to produce as an effect; bring about; accomplish: to effect a change. Idioms: 1. in effect, essentially; basically. 2. take effect, a. to go into operation; begin to function. b. to produce a result. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latin effectus the carrying out (of a task, etc.), hence, that which is achieved, outcome] ef•fect′i•ble, adj. syn: effect, consequence, result refer to something produced by an action or a cause. An effect is that which is produced, usu. more or less immediately and directly: The drug had the effect of producing sleep. A consequence, something that follows naturally or logically, as in a train of events or sequence of time, is less intimately connected with its cause than is an effect: One consequence of a recession is a rise in unemployment. A result may be near or remote, and often is the sum of effects or consequences as making an end or final outcome: The English language is the result of the fusion of many different elements. usage: See affect1.


  1. Affect me [with revulsion] like the smell of a cheap cigar left smoldering in an ashtray —Jonathan Valin

    In Valin’s novel, Final Notice, the descriptive frame of reference for the simile is a tattoo.

  2. The certainty [of his desire] landed in the bottom of my stomach like a flatiron —Mary Gordon
  3. The change [in living accommodations] would be like going from Purgatory to Paradise —Louisa May Alcott
  4. The conviction that I am loved and loving affects me like a military bracing —John Cheever
  5. The effort made him choke like a tiger at a bone —Robert Frost
  6. Every gesture … aroused a beat chant like the beat of the heart of the desert —Anaĩs Nin
  7. (This city) exacerbates loneliness in me the same way that water makes Alka-Seltzer fizz —Pat Conroy
  8. The general effect was exactly like a microscopic view of a small detachment of black beetles in search of a dead rat —John Ruskin
  9. Has a disruptive effect … like a torpedo coming down Main Street —Anon politician on Gramm-Rudman Law, February, 1986
  10. Has as little effect on me as water on a duck’s back —American colloquialism, attributed to South

    A variation: “As water rolling off a duck’s back.”

  11. Her absence felt like a presence, an electrical charge of silence in the house —John Updike
  12. His death served to remind me, like a custard pie in the face, that life is sometimes like one big savage joke —Sue Grafton
  13. (A blast of Prince [music] … ) hit me like a feather boa with a length of lead pipe in it —Jonathan Valin
  14. Its [melancholy] effect upon you is somewhat similar to what would probably be produced by a combined attack of toothache, indigestion and a cold in the head —Jerome K. Jerome
  15. It [forcing an old priest into retirement] was just like ripping an old tree out of the ground —W. P. Kinsella
  16. The kind whisper went to my heart like a dagger —Charlotte Brontë
  17. Offering a flight attendant a $20 bill for a $2 drink is like spitting on an Alabama state trooper —Louis D. Wilson, Wall Street Journal, June 30, 1986
  18. Pain and poverty and thwarted ambition … can break the virtues like brittle bones —George Garrett
  19. Seeing her again … was like rediscovering a half-forgotten landmark —Ann Petry
  20. [When a tired-looking woman smiles] some of the years of hard living fell away like happy tears —James Crumley


– effect1. 'affect'

Affect /ə'fekt/ is a verb. To affect someone or something means to cause them to change, often in a negative way.

There are many ways in which computers can affect our lives.The disease affected Jane's lungs.
2. 'effect'

Effect /ɪ'fekt/ is usually a noun. An effect is something that happens or exists because something else has happened.

The report shows the effect of noise on people in the factories.This has the effect of separating students from teachers.

You can say that something has a particular effect on something else.

Improvement in water supply can have a dramatic effect on health.These changes will have a significant effect on our business.

Effect is sometimes a verb. If you effect something that you are trying to achieve, you succeed in achieving it. This is a formal use.

The new law will give us the power to effect change.


– effect1. 'result'

A result of something is an event or situation that happens or exists because of it.

The result of this announcement was that the share price of the company rose by 10 per cent.I nearly missed the flight as a result of getting stuck in traffic.I cut my own hair – often with disastrous results.
2. 'effect'

When something produces a change in a thing or person, don't refer to this change as a 'result' on the thing or person. The word you use is effect.

Diet has a significant effect on your health.


Past participle: effected
Gerund: effecting
I effect
you effect
he/she/it effects
we effect
you effect
they effect
I effected
you effected
he/she/it effected
we effected
you effected
they effected
Present Continuous
I am effecting
you are effecting
he/she/it is effecting
we are effecting
you are effecting
they are effecting
Present Perfect
I have effected
you have effected
he/she/it has effected
we have effected
you have effected
they have effected
Past Continuous
I was effecting
you were effecting
he/she/it was effecting
we were effecting
you were effecting
they were effecting
Past Perfect
I had effected
you had effected
he/she/it had effected
we had effected
you had effected
they had effected
I will effect
you will effect
he/she/it will effect
we will effect
you will effect
they will effect
Future Perfect
I will have effected
you will have effected
he/she/it will have effected
we will have effected
you will have effected
they will have effected
Future Continuous
I will be effecting
you will be effecting
he/she/it will be effecting
we will be effecting
you will be effecting
they will be effecting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been effecting
you have been effecting
he/she/it has been effecting
we have been effecting
you have been effecting
they have been effecting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been effecting
you will have been effecting
he/she/it will have been effecting
we will have been effecting
you will have been effecting
they will have been effecting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been effecting
you had been effecting
he/she/it had been effecting
we had been effecting
you had been effecting
they had been effecting
I would effect
you would effect
he/she/it would effect
we would effect
you would effect
they would effect
Past Conditional
I would have effected
you would have effected
he/she/it would have effected
we would have effected
you would have effected
they would have effected
Noun1.effect - a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenoneffect - a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences for business"; "he acted very wise after the event"consequence, result, upshot, outcome, event, issuephenomenon - any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoningoffspring, materialisation, materialization - something that comes into existence as a result; "industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring"; "this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts"aftereffect - any result that follows its cause after an intervalaftermath, wake, backwash - the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event); "the aftermath of war"; "in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured"bandwagon effect - the phenomenon of a popular trend attracting even greater popularity; "in periods of high merger activity there is a bandwagon effect with more and more firms seeking to engage in takeover activity"; "polls are accused of creating a bandwagon effect to benefit their candidate"brisance - the shattering or crushing effect of a sudden release of energy as in an explosionbutterfly effect - the phenomenon whereby a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere, e.g., a butterfly flapping its wings in Rio de Janeiro might change the weather in Chicagobyproduct, by-product - a secondary and sometimes unexpected consequencechange - the result of alteration or modification; "there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs"; "there had been no change in the mountains"coattails effect - (politics) the consequence of one popular candidate in an election drawing votes for other members of the same political party; "he counted on the coattails effect to win him the election"Coriolis effect - (physics) an effect whereby a body moving in a rotating frame of reference experiences the Coriolis force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation; on Earth the Coriolis effect deflects moving bodies to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemispheredent - an appreciable consequence (especially a lessening); "it made a dent in my bank account"domino effect - the consequence of one event setting off a chain of similar events (like a falling domino causing a whole row of upended dominos to fall)harvest - the consequence of an effort or activity; "they gathered a harvest of examples"; "a harvest of love"wallop, impact - a forceful consequence; a strong effect; "the book had an important impact on my thinking"; "the book packs a wallop"influence - the effect of one thing (or person) on another; "the influence of mechanical action"knock-on effect - a secondary or incidental effectoffshoot, outgrowth, branch, offset - a natural consequence of developmentproduct - a consequence of someone's efforts or of a particular set of circumstances; "skill is the product of hours of practice"; "his reaction was the product of hunger and fatigue"placebo effect - any effect that seems to be a consequence of administering a placebo; the change is usually beneficial and is assumed result from the person's faith in the treatment or preconceptions about what the experimental drug was supposed to do; pharmacologists were the first to talk about placebo effects but now the idea has been generalized to many situations having nothing to do with drugsposition effect - (genetics) the effect on the expression of a gene that is produced by changing its location in a chromosomerepercussion, reverberation - a remote or indirect consequence of some action; "his declaration had unforeseen repercussions"; "reverberations of the market crash were felt years later"response - a result; "this situation developed in response to events in Africa"fallout, side effect - any adverse and unwanted secondary effect; "a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal"spillover - (economics) any indirect effect of public expenditure
2.effect - an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting"impressionappearance, visual aspect - outward or visible aspect of a person or thingfigure - the impression produced by a person; "he cut a fine figure"; "a heroic figure"image - the general impression that something (a person or organization or product) presents to the public; "although her popular image was contrived it served to inspire music and pageantry"; "the company tried to project an altruistic image"mark - the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember; "it was in London that he made his mark"; "he left an indelible mark on the American theater"tout ensemble - a total impression or effect of something made up of individual parts
3.effect - an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); "he just did it for effect"impression, notion, belief, feeling, opinion - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"sound effect - an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a playspecial effect - an effect used to produce scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques (especially on film)
4.effect - the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary workgist, essence, burden, coremeaning, signification, import, significance - the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
5.effect - (of a law) having legal validity; "the law is still in effect"forcevalidness, validity - the quality of having legal force or effectivenesslaw, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
6.effect - a symptom caused by an illness or a drug; "the effects of sleep loss"; "the effect of the anesthetic"symptom - (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular diseaseaftereffect - a delayed effect of a drug or therapy; "the drug had unexpected aftereffects"bummer - a bad reaction to a hallucinogenic drugside effect - a secondary and usually adverse effect of a drug or therapy; "severe headaches are one of the side effects of the drug"
Verb1.effect - produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave"effectuate, set upaccomplish, carry out, carry through, fulfil, fulfill, action, execute - put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation"draw, get - earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher; "He drew a base on balls"precipitate - bring about abruptly; "The crisis precipitated by Russia's revolution"induce, hasten, stimulate, rush - cause to occur rapidly; "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions"cause, do, make - give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally; "cause a commotion"; "make a stir"; "cause an accident"serve - contribute or conduce to; "The scandal served to increase his popularity"
2.effect - act so as to bring into existence; "effect a change"act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"bring to bear - bring into operation or effect; "The new members brought to bear new concerns to the U.N."carry - extend to a certain degree; "carry too far"; "She carries her ideas to the extreme"backdate - make effective from an earlier date; "The increase in tax was backdated to January"


noun1. result, consequence, conclusion, outcome, event, issue, aftermath, fruit, end result, upshot the psychological effects of head injuries2. impression, feeling, impact, influence The whole effect is cool, light and airy3. purpose, meaning, impression, sense, import, drift, intent, essence, thread, tenor, purport He told me to get lost, or words to that effect.4. implementation, force, action, performance, operation, enforcement, execution We are now resuming relations with Syria with immediate effect.plural noun1. belongings, goods, things, property, stuff, gear, furniture, possessions, trappings, paraphernalia, personal property, accoutrements, chattels, movables His daughters came to collect his effects.verb1. bring about, make, cause, produce, create, complete, achieve, perform, carry out, fulfil, accomplish, execute, initiate, give rise to, consummate, actuate, effectuate Prospects for effecting real political change have taken a step backward.in effect in fact, really, actually, essentially, virtually, effectively, in reality, in truth, as good as, in actual fact, to all intents and purposes, in all but name, in actuality, for practical purposes The deal would create, in effect, the world's biggest airline.put, bring or carry into effect implement, perform, carry out, fulfil, enforce, execute, bring about, put into action, put into operation, bring into force a decree bringing these political reforms into effecttake or come into effect produce results, work, begin, come into force, become operative The ban takes effect from July.to good effect successfully, effectively, productively, fruitfully Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effectto no effect unsuccessfully, in vain, to no avail, without success, pointlessly, ineffectively, to no purpose, with no use Mr Charles complained, to no effect.Usage: It is quite common for the verb effect to be mistakenly used where affect is intended. Effect is relatively uncommon and rather formal, and is a synonym of `bring about'. Conversely, the noun effect is quite often mistakenly written with an initial a. The following are correct: the group is still recovering from the effects of the recession; they really are powerless to effect any change. The next two examples are incorrect: the full affects of the shutdown won't be felt for several more days; men whose lack of hair doesn't effect their self-esteem.


noun1. Something brought about by a cause:aftermath, consequence, corollary, end product, event, fruit, harvest, issue, outcome, precipitate, ramification, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, sequent, upshot.2. The power or capacity to produce a desired result:effectiveness, effectuality, effectualness, efficaciousness, efficacy, efficiency, influence, potency.3. The condition of being in full force or operation:actualization, being, materialization, realization.4. One's portable property.Used in plural:belonging (often used in plural), good (used in plural), lares and penates, personal effects, personal property, possession (used in plural), property, thing (often used in plural).Informal: stuff.Law: chattel, movable (often used in plural).verb1. To be the cause of:bring, bring about, bring on, cause, effectuate, generate, induce, ingenerate, lead to, make, occasion, result in, secure, set off, stir (up), touch off, trigger.Idioms: bring to pass, give rise to.2. To bring about and carry to a successful conclusion:bring off, carry out, carry through, effectuate, execute, put through.Informal: swing.3. To compel observance of:carry out, enforce, execute, implement, invoke.Idioms: put in force, put into action.


(iˈfekt) noun1. a result or consequence. He is suffering from the effects of over-eating; His discovery had little effect at first. 結果 结果2. an impression given or produced. The speech did not have much effect (on them); a pleasing effect. 效果 效果 verb to make happen; to bring about. He tried to effect a reconciliation between his parents. 產生,導致 产生,导致 efˈfective (-tiv) adjective1. having power to produce, or producing, a desired result. These new teaching methods have proved very effective. 有效的 有效的2. striking or pleasing. an effective display of flowers. 顯眼的,效果好的 给人深刻印象的,效率高的 3. in operation; working; active. The new law becomes effective next week. 生效的 生效的efˈfectively (-tivli) adverb 有效地 有效地efˈfects noun plural1. property; goods. She left few personal effects when she died. 財產,財所有物 财物2. in drama etc, devices for producing suitable sounds, lighting etc to accompany a play etc. sound effects. 造戲劇效果的裝置(如聲光) 效果(如音响效果) efˈfectual (-tʃuəl) adjective successful in producing the desired results. He was not very effectual as an organiser. 奏效的 奏效的come into effect (of a law etc) to begin to operate. The law came into effect last month. 開始生效 开始生效for effect for the sake of making an impression. You don't mean that – you only said it for effect. 為了加深印象 为了加深印象in effect1. (of a rule etc) in operation. That law is no longer in effect. 生效中,實施中 在实行中,有效 2. in truth or in practical terms. In effect our opinions differed very little. 實際上 实际上put into effect to put (a law etc) into operation. He has begun to put his theories into effect. 實行,實施 实行,实施 take effect to begin to work; to come into force. When will the drug take effect? 起作用,開始生效 生效,奏效




  • a domino effect
  • a ripple effect
  • bring (something) into effect
  • bring/put something into effect
  • bystander effect
  • carry (something) into effect
  • come into effect
  • come/go into effect
  • domino effect
  • go into effect
  • have a bad effect
  • have a bad effect (on someone or something)
  • have an effect on
  • have an/any/no effect on (someone or something)
  • in effect
  • Mandela effect
  • of no effect
  • of/to no effect
  • or words to that effect
  • put (something) into effect
  • put into effect
  • ripple effect
  • side effect
  • snowball effect
  • soap opera effect
  • strain for an effect
  • strain for effect
  • take effect
  • the butterfly effect
  • the Weinstein effect
  • to good effect
  • to good, little, etc. effect
  • to little effect
  • to no effect
  • to that effect
  • to the effect that
  • to the effect that...
  • with effect from
  • with effect from...
  • with immediate effect
  • words to that effect



 [ĕ-fekt´] a result produced by an action.additive effect the combined effect produced by the action of two or more agents, being equal to the sum of their separate effects.adverse effect a symptom produced by a drug or therapy that is injurious to the patient.Bainbridge effect Bainbridge reflex.Bohr effect decreased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen caused by an increase of carbon dioxide; the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve is displaced to the right because of higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide and lower pH. See also Haldane effect.The Bohr effect causing a shift to the right in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.Crabtree effect the inhibition of oxygen consumption on the addition of glucose to tissues or microorganisms having a high rate of aerobic glycolysis; the converse of the Pasteur effect.cumulative effect the action of a drug or treatment resulting from repeated use.Doppler effect see doppler effect.experimenter e's demand characteristics.extrapyramidal e's the side effects caused by neuroleptic medications, including dystonias, parkinsonism, akathisia, and dyskinesia" >tardive dyskinesia.Haldane effect increased oxygenation of hemoglobin promotes dissociation of carbon dioxide; see also Bohr effect.Hawthorne effect a psychological response in which the subjects in a research study change their behavior simply because they are subjects in a study, not because of the research treatment.heel effect variation in x-ray beam intensity and projected focal spot size along the long axis of the x-ray tube from cathode to anode.parallax effect the position of the image on each emulsion of dual emulsion film; it is accentuated by tube-angled x-ray techniques.Pasteur effect the decrease in the rate of glycolysis and the suppression of lactate accumulation by tissues or microorganisms in the presence of oxygen.photoelectric effect ejection of electrons from matter as a result of interaction with photons from high frequency electromagnetic radiation, such as x-rays; the ejected electrons may be energetic enough to ionize multiple additional atoms.placebo effect the total of all nonspecific effects, both good and adverse, of treatment; it refers primarily to psychological and psychophysiological effects associated with the caregiver-patient relationship and the patient's expectations and apprehensions concerning the treatment. See also placebo.position effect in genetics, the changed effect produced by alteration of the relative positions of various genes on the chromosomes.pressure effect the sum of the changes that are due to obstruction of tissue drainage by pressure.proarrhythmic effect any new, more advanced form of arrhythmia caused by an antiarrhythmic agent, especially those that produce hemodynamically important symptoms. These arrhythmias occur less than 30 days after initiation of treatment and are not due to a new event such as acute myocardial infarction or hypokalemia.side effect a consequence other than that for which an agent is used, especially an adverse effect on another organ system.Somogyi effect see somogyi effect.


(e-fekt'), Do not confuse this word with affect.The result or consequence of a therapeutic or other action. [L. efficio, pp. effectus, to accomplish, fr. facio, to do]


In the context of evidence-based medicine and clinical trials, a change attributed to a treatment, which is compared to a similar event or lack thereof in another treatment “arm”.


(e-fekt') The result or consequence of an action. [L. efficio, pp. effectus, to accomplish, fr. facio, to do]


The result of an action or condition.
Aubert's effect See Aubert's phenomenon.
Bezold-Brücke effect See Bezold-Brücke phenomenon.
Broca-Sulzer effect The brightness produced by a flash of a given luminance depends upon its duration. It is maximum for durations around 30-40 ms when the flash luminance is photopic.
Brücke-Bartley effect An increased brightness produced by an intermittent light source (usually around 8-10 Hz) compared to the same light source viewed in steady illumination. Syn. brightness enhancement.
Cheshire cat effect A form of binocular rivalry in which a moving object seen by one eye can cause the entire image, or parts of the image, of a stationary object seen by the other eye to disappear. The effect can be observed by dividing the field of vision with a mirror placed edge-on in front of the nose at a slight angle. One eye looks straight at a stationary object, such as a sleeping cat, while the other eye sees a reflection through the mirror of a white wall or background. If a hand is waved on the mirror side in the region of the field where the cat is seen, the whole cat or part of it may be seen to disappear. See retinal rivalry.
Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet effect A phenomenon in which the brightness of an area on one side of a transition strip appears greater than the brightness of the area on the other side of the strip, although both areas outside the transition strip have exactly the same luminance. The transition strip consists of two opposing luminance gradients that meet along a linear edge (called Cornsweet edge); on one side the luminance gradually increases to the edge and on the other side the luminance gradually decreases to the edge. The area adjoining the gradient of increasing luminance appears brighter than the area adjoining the gradient of decreasing luminance. One possible explanation is that the edge information predominates and the visual system and brain 'fill-in' the area next to it to construct a higher brightness percept. Note: by covering the transition strip it is easy to confirm that the two areas have the same luminance. Syn. Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet illusion; Cornsweet illusion.
crowding effect See crowding phenomenon.
differential prismatic effect The difference in prism power induced by a pair of ophthalmic lenses of different power when the eyes look in various directions of gaze (except through the optical centres). Large amounts of differential prismatic effect can hinder fusion and give rise to diplopia. Example: A patient's right eye is corrected by +5 D, the left eye by +2 D. When the eye rotates upward so that the visual axes intersect the lenses 1 cm above the optical centres, the induced prism power becomes 5 Δ base down on the right and 2 Δ base down on the left. The differential prismatic effect is 3 Δ base down in front of the right eye, probably too large for fusion to be maintained. Syn. prismatic imbalance; relative prismatic effect. See anisophoria; Prentice's law.
Gelb effect In a faintly illuminated room a piece of black paper (or a rotating black disc) is illuminated by a high intensity projector. The beam of the projector falls exactly on the area of the black surface. The paper or disc will then appear to be white. A reversal of the perception is accomplished by placing a small piece of white paper near the disc in front of the projected light, at which time the paper or disc reappears in its true colour, i.e. black.
kinetic depth effect An impression of a three-dimensional structure of a moving two-dimensional shadow cast by a three-dimensional object. It is most easily demonstrated by casting a shadow onto a translucent screen.
Mandelbaum effect A tendency for the accommodative response to be altered when interposing a conflicting visual stimulus to the one being viewed. If the eyes are viewing a distant object through a dirty window or a wire fence, the actual accommodative response will tend to be raised. If the eyes are viewing a near object in front of a dirty window or wire fence the actual accommodative response will be less than if there were no conflicting stimulus.
McCollough effect A visual after-effect of colour that is seen when viewing, for a minute at least, two differently oriented and differently coloured gratings, such as a vertical grating with blue and black stripes and a horizontal grating with orange and black stripes. After adapting to these the subject looks at a figure containing a grating of vertical black and white stripes and a grating of black and white horizontal stripes of the same size as the original coloured gratings. The white stripes will then appear to be of the complementary colour, that is, the vertical stripes appear pinkish and the horizontal stripes appear bluish.
moiré effect An illusory shimmering movement produced by moving one pattern superimposed on another pattern very similar to it. The phenomenon occurs because parts of the periodic patterns are in phase in some locations, and out of phase in other locations. Examples: passing by a set of railings; if a transilluminated square wave grating is superimposed on an identical grating but cross each other at an angle of less than 45º, moiré fringes will appear at the intersections. Syn. moiré pattern. See Toposcope.
oblique effect In central vision, contours with oblique orientations are perceived and discriminated less easily than those close to the horizontal or vertical.
Pulfrich effect See Pulfrich stereophenomenon.
Raman effect In certain substances scattered light may be of a slightly different wavelength from that of the incident light.
Stiles-Crawford effect Variation of the luminosity of a pencil of light stimulating a given receptor with the position of entry of the pencil through the pupil. The maximum luminosity occurs for pencils passing through the centre of the pupil and stimulating the receptor along its axis. This phenomenon is attributed to the particular shape of the cone cells of the retina and occurs only in photopic vision.
Tyndall effect Diffusion of light by the particles present in a liquid or gas. It is because of this effect that heterogeneities (e.g. increased proteins) of the media of the eye can be seen, as occurs in iris and/or ciliary body inflammation. Syn. Tyndall scatter. See aqueous flare.


(e-fekt') The result of therapy. [L. efficio, pp. effectus, to accomplish, fr. facio, to do]

Patient discussion about effect

Q. Do they have any side effects? what are the benefit of drugs like Divalproex and Carbamazepine over lithium for acute mania patients? Do they have any side effects?A. It’s a good drug for acute mania patients, but has not been found to be effective in patients with depression. Patients who did not not respond to lithium are benefitted by this. The side effects are weight gain and sedation, as well as multiple drug-drug interactions.

Q. How long does Viagra's effect last? My Husband got Viagra from his Doctor and wants to start taking it. How long does the effect last?A. Here is a link to a video that answers your question:

Q. Does it carry any side effects? I am pregnant and in my second trimester. I am having flu infections. I am prescribed with Sudafed. Does it carry any side effects?A. sudafed is a symptomatical medication. and you can pass the flu without it. in it's instruction its recommended not to use it in pregnancy. so why use it? it's not like it's a life thretening situation and you can't survive without it. it's not worth the risk for the fetus if you ask me.

More discussions about effect


Related to Effect: Doppler effect, take effect, Mass Effect


As a verb, to do; to produce; to make; to bring to pass; to execute; enforce; accomplish. As a noun, that which is produced by an agent or cause; result; outcome; consequence. The result that an instrument between parties will produce in their relative rights, or which a statute will produce upon the existing law, as discovered from the language used, the forms employed, or other materials for construing it. The operation of a law, of an agreement, or an act. The phrases take effect, be in force, and go into operation, are used interchangeably.

In the plural, a person's effects are the real and Personal Property of someone who has died or who makes a will.

EFFECT. The operation of a law, of an agreement, or an act, is called its effect.
2. By the laws of the United States, a patent cannot be granted for an effect only, but it may be for a new mode or application of machinery to produce effects. 1 Gallis. 478; see 4 Mason, 1; Pet. C. C. R. 394; 2 N. H. R. 61.

FinancialSeeHawthorne Effect


EFFECTEnhanced Feedback for Effective Cardiac Treatment


Related to effect: Doppler effect, take effect, Mass Effect
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for effect

noun result


  • result
  • consequence
  • conclusion
  • outcome
  • event
  • issue
  • aftermath
  • fruit
  • end result
  • upshot

noun impression


  • impression
  • feeling
  • impact
  • influence

noun purpose


  • purpose
  • meaning
  • impression
  • sense
  • import
  • drift
  • intent
  • essence
  • thread
  • tenor
  • purport

noun implementation


  • implementation
  • force
  • action
  • performance
  • operation
  • enforcement
  • execution

noun belongings


  • belongings
  • goods
  • things
  • property
  • stuff
  • gear
  • furniture
  • possessions
  • trappings
  • paraphernalia
  • personal property
  • accoutrements
  • chattels
  • movables

verb bring about


  • bring about
  • make
  • cause
  • produce
  • create
  • complete
  • achieve
  • perform
  • carry out
  • fulfil
  • accomplish
  • execute
  • initiate
  • give rise to
  • consummate
  • actuate
  • effectuate

phrase in effect


  • in fact
  • really
  • actually
  • essentially
  • virtually
  • effectively
  • in reality
  • in truth
  • as good as
  • in actual fact
  • to all intents and purposes
  • in all but name
  • in actuality
  • for practical purposes

phrase put, bring or carry into effect


  • implement
  • perform
  • carry out
  • fulfil
  • enforce
  • execute
  • bring about
  • put into action
  • put into operation
  • bring into force

phrase take or come into effect


  • produce results
  • work
  • begin
  • come into force
  • become operative

phrase to good effect


  • successfully
  • effectively
  • productively
  • fruitfully

phrase to no effect


  • unsuccessfully
  • in vain
  • to no avail
  • without success
  • pointlessly
  • ineffectively
  • to no purpose
  • with no use

Synonyms for effect

noun something brought about by a cause


  • aftermath
  • consequence
  • corollary
  • end product
  • event
  • fruit
  • harvest
  • issue
  • outcome
  • precipitate
  • ramification
  • result
  • resultant
  • sequel
  • sequence
  • sequent
  • upshot

noun the power or capacity to produce a desired result


  • effectiveness
  • effectuality
  • effectualness
  • efficaciousness
  • efficacy
  • efficiency
  • influence
  • potency

noun the condition of being in full force or operation


  • actualization
  • being
  • materialization
  • realization

noun one's portable property


  • belonging
  • good
  • lares and penates
  • personal effects
  • personal property
  • possession
  • property
  • thing
  • stuff
  • chattel
  • movable

verb to be the cause of


  • bring
  • bring about
  • bring on
  • cause
  • effectuate
  • generate
  • induce
  • ingenerate
  • lead to
  • make
  • occasion
  • result in
  • secure
  • set off
  • stir
  • touch off
  • trigger

verb to bring about and carry to a successful conclusion


  • bring off
  • carry out
  • carry through
  • effectuate
  • execute
  • put through
  • swing

verb to compel observance of


  • carry out
  • enforce
  • execute
  • implement
  • invoke

Synonyms for effect

noun a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon


  • consequence
  • result
  • upshot
  • outcome
  • event
  • issue

Related Words

  • phenomenon
  • offspring
  • materialisation
  • materialization
  • aftereffect
  • aftermath
  • wake
  • backwash
  • bandwagon effect
  • brisance
  • butterfly effect
  • byproduct
  • by-product
  • change
  • coattails effect
  • Coriolis effect
  • dent
  • domino effect
  • harvest
  • wallop
  • impact
  • influence
  • knock-on effect
  • offshoot
  • outgrowth
  • branch
  • offset
  • product
  • placebo effect
  • position effect
  • repercussion
  • reverberation
  • response
  • fallout
  • side effect
  • spillover

noun an outward appearance


  • impression

Related Words

  • appearance
  • visual aspect
  • figure
  • image
  • mark
  • tout ensemble

noun an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived)

Related Words

  • impression
  • notion
  • belief
  • feeling
  • opinion
  • sound effect
  • special effect

noun the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work


  • gist
  • essence
  • burden
  • core

Related Words

  • meaning
  • signification
  • import
  • significance

noun (of a law) having legal validity


  • force

Related Words

  • validness
  • validity
  • law
  • jurisprudence

noun a symptom caused by an illness or a drug

Related Words

  • symptom
  • aftereffect
  • bummer
  • side effect

verb produce


  • effectuate
  • set up

Related Words

  • accomplish
  • carry out
  • carry through
  • fulfil
  • fulfill
  • action
  • execute
  • draw
  • get
  • precipitate
  • induce
  • hasten
  • stimulate
  • rush
  • cause
  • do
  • make
  • serve

verb act so as to bring into existence

Related Words

  • act
  • move
  • bring to bear
  • carry
  • backdate




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