

A long-acting GnRH-gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue, which causes permanent pitutary stimulation and downregulates the pituitary-gonadal axis, blocking testosterone production in the testes; it has been used to treat metastatic prostate and breast cancer, to create pseudomenopause to reduce the size and number of endometriotic lesions and fibroids. It has also been used for hirsutism, to induced ovulation and for in vitro fertilisation.


Suprefact® Infertility A long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue which downregulates the pituitary-gonadal axis, block testosterone production in the testes; it has been used to treat metastatic prostate CA. See Disease flare.


A gonadothropin-releasing hormone drug used in the treatment of ENDOMETRIOSIS and INFERTILITY. Brand names are Suprecur and Suprefact.