

单词 agi
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(1) (Advanced Geospatial Intelligence) See DOD intelligence glossary.

(2) (Artificial General Intelligence) A machine intelligence that resembles that of a human being. AGI (strong AI, true AI) implies human versatility, while ordinary AI (weak AI, narrow AI) deals with single-task applications such as virtual assistants, chatbots and robotic vacuum cleaners.

Super AI
Super AI is pure science fiction, because a Super AI device knows that it exists. In other words, the equivalent of human consciousness, or, as a lot of people believe, complete nonsense.

One thing is certain. Future terminology for AI systems will be as subject to different opinions and descriptions as human psychology has been for centuries. See AI, OpenAI, singularity, Turing test and Mechanical Turk.
MedicalSeeAILegalSeeAdjusted Gross IncomeFinancialSeeAdjusted gross income


AGIAdjusted Gross Income
AGIAnalytical Graphics, Inc.
AGIAmerican Geological Institute
AGIArtificial General Intelligence
AGIAlan Guttmacher Institute
AGIAsterisk Gateway Interface (Unix)
AGIAssociation for Geographic Information
AGIAdvanced Global Imaging
AGIAnalytical Graphics Inc.
AGIAdventure Game Interpreter
AGIAdvanced Ground Instructor (certification; US FAA)
AGIAlpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor (diabetes)
AGIAdventure Game Interpreter (Sierra)
AGIAssociation of Ghana Industries (Ghana)
AGIAlternative Gifts International
AGIAll-Glass Impinger
AGIAcademy for Guided Imagery
AGIAdvanced Geospatial Intelligence
AGIAeronautical and General Instruments (UK)
AGIArabidopsis Genome Initiative (est. 1996)
AGIAgenzia Giornalistica Italiana (Italian Reporters Agency)
AGIAfrica Governance Institute (UN Development Program)
AGIAssociazione Goistica Italiana (Italian: Association for Go in Italy; game)
AGIAnnée Géophysique Internationale (French)
AGIAlpine Group, Inc. (holding company; East Rutherford, NJ)
AGIAnti-Gang Initiative
AGIAquent Graphics Institute
AGIAcute Gastrointestinal Illness
AGIAbove Ground Installation
AGIAcid Gas Injection
AGIAnnual General Inspection
AGIAssociazione Geofisica Italiana
AGIAmerican Granby, Inc. (Liverpool, NY)
AGIAssociazione Guide Italiane (Italian Girl Guides Association)
AGIAgence Générale Immobilière (French: General Real Estate Agency)
AGIAnnuaire Généalogique Internet (French: Internet Genealogical Directory)
AGIAlsea Geospatial, Inc. (Oregon)
AGISilver Iodine
AGIAntarctic Geographic Information
AGIAntwerp Gemological Institute
AGIAuxiliary General Intelligence (NATO) Intelligence Collectors
AGIAir Gunnery Instructor (UK)
AGIAction Graphic International (UK)
AGIAnderson Group Inc (Atlanta, GA)
AGIAccounting Group International (est. 1991)
AGIAssessments Group Indonesia
AGIAir Global International
AGIAdministration Générale de l'Infrastructure (French: General Administration of Infrastructure; Belgium)
AGIAustralian Gastroenterology Institute
AGIAlbi Gestion Immobilière (French property management company)
AGIAdvanced Global Imager
AGIAlliance Global Investments Inc.
AGIArmament Gas Ingestion
AGIAssociation for Genital Integrity
AGIAssociate of the Greek Institute (UK)
AGIAt-Grade Intersection (street planning)
AGISoviet Intelligence Collection Ship
AGISoviet General Intelligence SIGINT Ship
AGIArcus Group Inc




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