Cull, Jean

Cull, Jean (b. 1943)

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Jean Cull was a well known English medium. Her psychic experiences started at the age of eleven, when she and a friend discovered a neighbor who had committed suicide by putting her head inside the gas oven (a common method in those days). The following night Jean saw the spirit of the neighbor, Phyllis, standing at the foot of her bed. Phyllis apologized for frightening the two girls and added that she was now happy.

Jean saw many different spirits of those she knew had died. She became frightened and would hide in a wardrobe, hoping the spirits wouldn’t find her. She soon realized that the spirits could not and would not harm her. It was not until many years later that she accepted her ability to so easily contact spirit. She was married on March 24, 1962 and a few years later came to know her two spirit guides, Lucy and Henry. She became adept at clairvoyance and clairaudience. Later her husband Robert also began to use his own gift of healing, working with his guide Chi.


Cull, Robert: More to Life Than This: The Story of Jean Cull, the Medium. London: Macmillan, 1987