Certificate Military
Certificate (Military)
a document of the Soviet armed forces which shows the type and period of validity of allowances supplied to a soldier or military unit. A soldier receives a certificate upon transfer to another unit or prolonged absence on a mission or in a hospital; a military unit receives a certificate with a change in deployment of troops. The certificate is the basis for the assignment of the appropriate type of allowance. There are certificates for food supplies; for material goods (until 1929 called clothing and equipment records), medical stores, and others; and for fodder (in units with horses, packload animals, and others). These include money certificates, which are to be used by the enlisted men—that is, the soldiers, sailors, and sergeants—and by the families of officers. (For officers there are paybooks.) Financial certificates are to be used by military units. A money certificate allows a family to receive part of an officer’s money allowance through the military commissariat at their place of residence.