

单词 activity



A0071400 (ăk-tĭv′ĭ-tē)n. pl. ac·tiv·i·ties 1. The state of being active.2. Energetic action or movement; liveliness.3. a. A specified pursuit in which a person partakes.b. An educational process or procedure intended to stimulate learning through actual experience.4. The intensity of a radioactive source.5. The ability to take part in a chemical reaction.6. A physiological process: respiratory activity.


(ækˈtɪvɪtɪ) n, pl -ties1. the state or quality of being active2. lively action or movement3. any specific deed, action, pursuit, etc: recreational activities. 4. (General Physics) the number of disintegrations of a radioactive substance in a given unit of time, usually expressed in curies or disintegrations per second5. (Chemistry) a. the capacity of a substance to undergo chemical changeb. the effective concentration of a substance in a chemical system. The absolute activity of a substance B, λB, is defined as exp (μBRT) where μB is the chemical potential


(ækˈtɪv ɪ ti)

n., pl. -ties. 1. the state or quality of being active. 2. energetic activity; animation; liveliness. 3. a specific deed, action, function, or sphere of action: social activities. 4. an educational task that involves direct experience and participation of the student. 5. a use of energy or force; an active movement or operation. 6. normal mental or bodily power, function, or process. 7. the capacity of a chemical substance to react, corrected for the loss of reactivity due to the interaction of its constituents. 8. a. the number of atoms of a radioactive substance that disintegrate per unit of time, usu. expressed in curies. b. radioactivity. 9. an organizational unit or the function it performs. [1520–30; (< Middle French) < Medieval Latin]


1. A unit, organization, or installation performing a function or mission, e.g., reception center, redistribution center, naval station, naval shipyard.
2. A function, mission, action, or collection of actions. Also called ACT. See also establishment.
Noun1.activity - any specific behavioractivity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"human action, human activity, act, deed - something that people do or cause to happenvariation, variance - an activity that varies from a norm or standard; "any variation in his routine was immediately reported"space walk - any kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crewdomesticity - domestic activities or life; "making a hobby of domesticity"operation - the activity of operating something (a machine or business etc.); "her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride"operation - a planned activity involving many people performing various actions; "they organized a rescue operation"; "the biggest police operation in French history"; "running a restaurant is quite an operation"; "consolidate the companies various operations"practice, pattern - a customary way of operation or behavior; "it is their practice to give annual raises"; "they changed their dietary pattern"diversion, recreation - an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates; "scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists"; "for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles"; "drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation"cup of tea, dish, bag - an activity that you like or at which you are superior; "chemistry is not my cup of tea"; "his bag now is learning to play golf"; "marriage was scarcely his dish"followup, follow-up - an activity that continues something that has already begun or that repeats something that has already been donegame - a contest with rules to determine a winner; "you need four people to play this game"turn, play - (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession; "it is my turn"; "it is still my play"music - musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest"acting, performing, playacting, playing - the performance of a part or role in a dramaliveliness, animation - general activity and motionburst, fit - a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning"work - activity directed toward making or doing something; "she checked several points needing further work"deeds, works - performance of moral or religious acts; "salvation by deeds"; "the reward for good works"service - (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to himjob, line of work, occupation, business, line - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business"occupation - any activity that occupies a person's attention; "he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game"committal to writing, writing - the activity of putting something in written form; "she did the thinking while he did the writing"role - normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting; "what is your role on the team?"actus reus, wrongful conduct, misconduct, wrongdoing - activity that transgresses moral or civil law; "he denied any wrongdoing"waste, wastefulness, dissipation - useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly; "if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste"; "mindless dissipation of natural resources"attempt, effort, try, endeavor, endeavour - earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try"control - the activity of managing or exerting control over something; "the control of the mob by the police was admirable"protection - the activity of protecting someone or something; "the witnesses demanded police protection"sensory activity - activity intended to achieve a particular sensory resultdidactics, education, educational activity, instruction, pedagogy, teaching - the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was carefully programmed"; "good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded"grooming, training, preparation - activity leading to skilled behaviorrepresentation - an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalentcreation, creative activity - the human act of creatingdisassembly, dismantlement, dismantling - the act of taking something apart (as a piece of machinery); "Russia and the United States discussed the dismantling of their nuclear weapons"puncture - the act of puncturing or perforatinginactivity - being inactive; being less active
2.activity - the state of being activeactivity - the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"activeness, actionstate - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"agency - the state of being in action or exerting power; "the agency of providence"; "she has free agency"busyness, hum - the state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity; "they manifested all the busyness of a pack of beavers"; "there is a constant hum of military preparation"behaviour, behavior - the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances; "the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments"eructation, extravasation, eruption - (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)operation - the state of being in effect or being operative; "that rule is no longer in operation"overdrive - the state of high or excessive activity or productivity or concentration; "Troops are ready to go into overdrive as soon as the signal is given"; "Melissa's brain was in overdrive"play - a state in which action is feasible; "the ball was still in play"; "insiders said the company's stock was in play"swing - a state of steady vigorous action that is characteristic of an activity; "the party went with a swing"; "it took time to get into the swing of things"inaction, inactiveness, inactivity - the state of being inactive
3.activity - an organic process that takes place in the bodyactivity - an organic process that takes place in the body; "respiratory activity"bodily function, bodily process, body processcontrol - (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc; "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired"; "he had lost control of his sphincters"breathing, external respiration, respiration, ventilation - the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalationrespiration - a single complete act of breathing in and out; "thirty respirations per minute"breath - the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing; "he took a deep breath and dived into the pool"; "he was fighting to his last breath"consumption, ingestion, intake, uptake - the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)sex, sex activity, sexual activity, sexual practice - activities associated with sexual intercourse; "they had sex in the back seat"insemination - the introduction of semen into the genital tract of a femalesleeping - the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rateresponse, reaction - a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent; "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age"crying, tears, weeping - the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds); "I hate to hear the crying of a child"; "she was in tears"ablactation - the cessation of lactationanastalsis - muscular action of the alimentary tract in a direction opposite to peristalsisexpelling, discharge, emission - any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body; "the discharge of pus"expectoration - the process of coughing up and spitting outfestering, suppuration, maturation - (medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pushealing - the natural process by which the body repairs itselfhypostasis - the accumulation of blood in an organlachrymation, lacrimation, tearing, watering - shedding tearslactation - the production and secretion of milk by the mammary glandsopsonisation, opsonization - process whereby opsonins make an invading microorganism more susceptible to phagocytosisbiological process, organic process - a process occurring in living organismsoveractivity - excessive activity; "overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily"peristalsis, vermiculation - the process of wavelike muscle contractions of the alimentary tract that moves food alongdiaphoresis, hidrosis, sudation, sweating, perspiration - the process of the sweat glands of the skin secreting a salty fluid; "perspiration is a homeostatic process"phagocytosis - process in which phagocytes engulf and digest microorganisms and cellular debris; an important defense against infectionpinocytosis - process by which certain cells can engulf and incorporate droplets of fluidplacentation - the formation of the placenta in the uteruspsilosis - falling out of hairtanning - process in which skin pigmentation darkens as a result of exposure to ultraviolet lighttranspiration - the process of giving off or exhaling water vapor through the skin or mucous membranes
4.activity - (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reactionactivity - (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity"chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactionscapability, capacity - the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment; "the capability of a metal to be fused"
5.activity - a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings)activity - a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity"natural action, natural process, actionphysical process, process - a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states; "events now in process"; "the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls"radiation - the spread of a group of organisms into new habitatsabsorption - (physics) the process in which incident radiated energy is retained without reflection or transmission on passing through a medium; "the absorption of photons by atoms or molecules"acidification - the process of becoming acid or being converted into an acidadiabatic process - (thermodynamics) any process that occurs without gain or loss of heataeration - the process of exposing to air (so as to purify); "the aeration of the soil"antiredeposition - the process of preventing redepositioncapture - any process in which an atomic or nuclear system acquires an additional particlecapture - a process whereby a star or planet holds an object in its gravitational fieldcentrifugation - the process of separating substances of different densities by the use of a centrifugechemical action, chemical change, chemical process - (chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involvedchromatography - a process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbencyconcretion - the formation of stonelike objects within a body organ (e.g., the kidneys)condensation - the process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid or solid stateconvection - (meteorology) the vertical movement of heat or other properties by massive motion within the atmosphereclotting, coagulation, curdling - the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquiddecay - the process of gradually becoming inferiordemagnetisation, demagnetization - the process of removing magnetizationdesorption - changing from an adsorbed state on a surface to a gaseous or liquid statediffusion - (physics) the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentrationdissolution, disintegration - separation into component partsdistillation, distillment - the process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vaporsdrift - the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)effervescence - the process of bubbling as gas escapescataphoresis, dielectrolysis, electrophoresis, ionophoresis - the motion of charged particles in a colloid under the influence of an electric field; particles with a positive charge go to the cathode and negative to the anodeecesis, establishment - (ecology) the process by which a plant or animal becomes established in a new habitatextinction - the reduction of the intensity of radiation as a consequence of absorption and radiationextraction - the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical meansfeedback - the process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input in order to regulate its further outputfiltration - the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering mediumflocculation - the process of flocculating; forming woolly cloudlike aggregationsflow - any uninterrupted stream or dischargeformation - natural process that causes something to form; "the formation of gas in the intestine"; "the formation of crystals"; "the formation of pseudopods"fossilisation, fossilization - the process of fossilizing a plant or animal that existed in some earlier age; the process of being turned to stonegeologic process, geological process - (geology) a natural process whereby geological features are modifiedcuring, solidification, solidifying, hardening, set - the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization; "the hardening of concrete"; "he tested the set of the glue"inactivation - the process of rendering inactive; "the gene inactivation system"; "thermal inactivation of serum samples"ion exchange - a process in which ions are exchanged between a solution and an insoluble (usually resinous) solid; widely used in industrial processingionisation, ionization - the process of ionizing; the formation of ions by separating atoms or molecules or radicals or by adding or subtracting electrons from atoms by strong electric fields in a gasleach, leaching - the process of leachingmagnetic induction, magnetisation, magnetization - the process that makes a substance magnetic (temporarily or permanently)
6.activity - the trait of being activeactivity - the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"activenesstrait - a distinguishing feature of your personal naturebrio, invigoration, spiritedness, vivification, animation - quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorouspizzaz, pizzazz, zing, oomph, dynamism - the activeness of an energetic personality


noun1. action, work, life, labour, movement, energy, exercise, spirit, enterprise, motion, bustle, animation, vigour, hustle, exertion, hurly-burly, liveliness, activeness There is an extraordinary level of activity in the market.
action inertia, inaction, lethargy, inactivity, passivity, idleness, dullness, immobility, torpor, sluggishness, indolence
2. pursuit, act, project, scheme, task, pleasure, interest, enterprise, undertaking, occupation, hobby, deed, endeavour, pastime, avocation Activities range from canoeing to birdwatching.3. functioning, power, effect, strength, efficiency, capability, vitality, vigour, potency, efficacy She needed special instruction due to her restricted activity.Proverbs
"A rolling stone gathers no moss"


nounEnergetic physical action:exercise, exertion.


(ˈӕktiv) adjective1. energetic or lively; able to work etc. At seventy, he's no longer very active. 活躍的 活跃的,有活动力的 2. (busily) involved. She is an active supporter of women's rights. 活躍的 积极的3. causing an effect or effects. Yeast is an active ingredient in bread-making. 起作用的 起作用的4. in force. The rule is still active. 有效的 有效的5. (of volcanoes) still likely to erupt. (火山)仍可能爆發的 (火山)在活动中的 6. of the form of a verb in which the subject performs the action of the verb. The dog bit the man. 主動語態的 主动语态 ˈactiveness noun 活躍,積極 活跃,积极性 ˈactively adverbactively engaged in politics. 積極地 积极地acˈtivityplural acˈtivities noun1. the state of being active or lively. The streets are full of activity this morning. 活動 活动2. something which one does as a pastime, as part of one's job etc. His activities include fishing and golf. 休閒活動 所做的事情




on a (subject or activity) kick

Experiencing a particularly intense and constant enthusiasm for some subject or activity. Jim's been on a real cycling kick ever since he bought that new bike. I'm on a bit of a politics kick at the moment, but I reckon it will die down once the election season is over.See also: kick, on

extracurricular activity

1. Literally, an activity that a student does in addition to their studies (the curriculum). With your grades and extracurricular activities, you'll get into any college you want.2. slang Sexual activity, often that which is clandestine. If Jen didn't come home last night, I bet she and Bill were preoccupied with some extracurricular activities, if you know what I mean.3. slang Fighting or arguing that occurs among competitors during a sporting event. It looks like both teams were flagged for some extracurricular activity after that last play.See also: activity

a hive of activity

A bustling or busy place. On Fridays, the school is only a hive of activity until 3:00 PM—then, everyone rushes out to start their weekend.See also: activity, hive, of

hum with activity

To be bustling or busy, as of a place or thing. On Fridays, the school only hums with activity until 3:00 PM—then, everyone rushes out to start their weekend.See also: activity, hum

hive of activity

Fig. a location where things are very busy. The hotel lobby was a hive of activity each morning. During the holidays, the shopping center is a hive of activity.See also: activity, hive, of

hum with activity

Fig. [for a place] to be busy with activity. The kitchen hummed with activity as usual. Our main office was humming with activity during the busy season.See also: activity, hum



1. the number of disintegrations of a radioactive substance in a given unit of time, usually expressed in curies or disintegrations per second 2. a. the capacity of a substance to undergo chemical change b. the effective concentration of a substance in a chemical system. The absolute activity of a substance B, λB, is defined as exp (μBRT) where μB is the chemical potential


[‚ak′tiv·əd·ē] (computer science) The use or modification of information contained in a file. (nuclear physics) The intensity of a radioactive source. Also known as radioactivity. (physical chemistry) A thermodynamic function that correlates changes in the chemical potential with changes in experimentally measurable quantities, such as concentrations or partial pressures, through relations formally equivalent to those for ideal systems. (systems engineering) The representation in a PERT or critical-path-method network of a task that takes up both time and resources and whose performance is necessary for the system to move from one event to the next.


In CPM terminology, a task or item of work that must be performed in order to complete a project.



 [ak-tiv´ĭ-te] 1. the quality or process of exerting energy or of accomplishing an effect.2. a thermodynamic quantity that represents the effective concentration of a solute in a non-ideal solution. Symbol a.3. the number of disintegrations per unit of a radioactive material. Symbol A.4. the presence of recordable electrical energy in a nerve or muscle.optical activity.a's of daily living (ADL) activities that are necessary for daily care of oneself and independent community living. It includes using the toilet and grooming, dressing, and feeding oneself; independent community living includes driving, shopping, homemaking, care of family, work activities, and so on. See also care" >self care, deficit" >self care deficit, and assistance" >self care assistance.(See accompanying table.)deficient diversional activity a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the experiencing by an individual of decreased stimulation from, interest in, or engagement in recreational or leisure activities. Formerly called diversional activity deficit. Possible causes include prolonged hospitalization or immobility at home, frequent and lengthy treatments such as renal dialysis, and a monotonous, nonstimulating environment. The patient usually gives subjective evidence that this condition exists by verbalizing a feeling of boredom or stating a desire for something to do or gives objective evidence by acting depressed or restless.
Nursing interventions that could be appropriate for diversional activity deficit include interviewing the patient to assess the current situation and to assist in developing plans for activities that provide interest and stimulation. These activities could include music, games, reading, handwork, or any other pastimes enjoyed by the patient. Patients may need assistance in identifying available resources and motivation to take advantage of the activities they provide.
enzyme activity the catalytic effect exerted by an enzyme, expressed as units per milligram of enzyme (specific activity) or molecules of substrate transformed per minute per molecule of enzyme (molecular activity).malignant ventricular ectopic activity fibrillation" >ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia" >ventricular tachycardia with syncope, heart failure, myocardial ischemia, or hypotension.optical activity the ability of a chemical compound to rotate the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light.physical activity bodily movements, such as those accompanying activities of daily living.pulseless electrical activity (PEA) continued electrical rhythmicity of the heart in the absence of effective mechanical function; it may be due to uncoupling of ventricular muscle contraction from electrical activity or may be secondary to cardiac damage with respiratory failure and cessation of cardiac venous return. Called also electromechanical dissociation.purposeful activity in occupational therapy" >occupational therapy, tasks or experiences in which the individual actively participates that require and elicit coordination between the sensory, motor, cognitive, and psychological systems. Each person has a unique set of purposeful activities, influenced by his or her life roles, and, when doing one of them, directs attention to the task itself rather than to the internal processes involved. Activities may yield immediate results or may require sustained effort and repetition, and they may either represent new responses or be part of complex, longstanding patterns of behavior.sustained rhythmic activity the continuous generation of action potentials within the heart in the absence of artificial or external stimulation.triggered activity activity in which nondriven action potentials arise from afterpotentials that were caused by the previous action potential.

ac·tiv·i·ty (a),

(ak-tiv'i-tē), 1. electroencephalography The presence of neurogenic electrical energy.
See also: radioactivity.
2. physical chemistry an ideal concentration for which the law of mass action will apply perfectly; the ratio of the activity to the true concentration is the activity coefficient (γ), which becomes 1.00 at infinite dilution.
See also: radioactivity.
3. For enzymes, the amount of substrate consumed (or product formed) in a given time under given conditions; turnover number.
See also: radioactivity.
4. The number of nuclear transformations (disintegrations) in a given quantity of a material per unit time. Units: curie (Ci), millicurie (mCi), becquerel (Bq), megabecquerel (MBq).
See also: radioactivity.


The ability to produce some effect; the extent or intensity of a function or action.
Cardiology Body movement which affects metabolic demand and pacing rate.
Cell biology See Mitotic activity
Chemistry A thermodynamic value which corresponds to the effective concentration of a solute in a non-ideal solution. If concentrations are replaced by activities, the equations for equilibrium constants, electrode potentials, osmotic pressure, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression and vapour pressures of volatile solutes are converted from approximations that hold only for dilute solutions to exact equations that hold for all concentrations. Activity is equal to the product of the concentration and the activity coefficient, a dimensionless number measuring deviation from nonideality.
Developmental biology See Spätzle activity
Endocrinology The functional effect of a hormone or hormone-like substance.
Epidemiology See Surveillance activity
MedspeakUK The level of medical work carried out by a doctor or other care professional in a given period in the UK—e.g., the number of patients seen in a particular time frame.
Neurology See Cognitively demanding leisure activity
Nuclear medicine The number of nuclear disintegrations—decay events—or transformations in a radioactive material per unit of time—which is a measure of the amount of source material.
Optics Optical activity, see there
Research See Grant-approved activity
Sexology Sexuoerotic rubbing of ano- or orogenital mucosae
Vox populi Doing stuff.


The ability to produce some effect; the extent or intensity of a function or action Cardiac pacing Body movement which affects metabolic demand and pacing rate Endocrinology The functional effect of a hormone or hormone-like substance. See HCG-like activity, Melanoma growth stimulatory activity, NSILA, Plasma renin activity Epidemiology See Surveillance activity Sexology Sexuoerotic rubbing of orogenital mucosae. See Safe sexual activity, Sexual activity Vox populi Doing stuff. See Hyperactivity, Instrumental activities of daily living activity, Major life activity, Physical activity.


(ak-tiv'i-tē) 1. electroencephalography The presence of neurogenic electrical energy. 2. physical chemistry An ideal concentration for which the law of mass action will apply perfectly; the ratio of the activity to the true concentration is the activity coefficient (γ), which becomes 1.00 at infinite dilution. 3. For enzymes, the amount of substrate consumed (or product formed) in a given time under given conditions; turnover number4. The number of nuclear transformations (disintegrations) in a given quantity of a material per unit time. Units: curie (Ci), millicurie (mCi), becquerel (Bq), megabecquerel (MBq).
See also: radioactivity
5. Producing movement. 6. A class of goal-directed human actions.
See also: physical activity


the ability of a substance to react with another.


(ak-tiv'i-tē) 1. electroencephalography the presence of neurogenic electrical energy. 2. physical chemistry an ideal concentration for which the law of mass action will apply perfectly; the ratio of the activity to the true concentration is the activity coefficient (γ), which becomes 1.00 at infinite dilution. 3. For enzymes, the amount of substrate consumed (or product formed) in a given time under given conditions; turnover number. 4. The number of nuclear transformations (disintegrations) in a given quantity of a material per unit time. Units: curie (Ci), millicurie (mCi), becquerel (Bq), megabecquerel (MBq).

Patient discussion about activity

Q. Are there any nice activities for adults with autism? I've been helping a very nice man of 45 of years old and I'm looking for some new things I can do with him in our time together. any ideas?A. Autistic people react wonderfully with animals. for instance- i saw a group of severe Autistic teenagers going to swim with dolphins. the effect was amazing! taking him to the zoo, or even to the park to feed ducks, pet dogs, whatever.. could have a great effect on him.
hope i helped!
tell me how it went.

Q. what is a passive smoking? and is it dangerous as an active? A. Passive smoking is the exposure to cigarettes smoke emitted from cigarettes smoke by other person. It's dangerous and may increase the risk to several diseases similar to active smoking (one's exposure to smoke emitted from the cigarettes he or she is smoking) although the risk is of lower magnitude. Example for passive smoking is children of smokers etc.
You may read more here:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/secondhandsmoke.html

Q. i swim a lot ! what are the advantages of swimming over other sport activities? on what part of the body does it work the most ?A. its a good workout but your not really going to burn as much calories as a regular work out.

More discussions about activity



1. An act that requires use of resources or time. In Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), an activity is represented by an arrow on a PERT chart.

2. In investing, the amount of a security's relative trading volume; that is, the amount of money flowing into and out of a security in trading. A high amount of activity means that many shares of the security are being bought and sold at a high rate, while a low level of activity indicates the opposite.


The amount of relative trading volume in a security.
See A


  • noun

Synonyms for activity

noun action


  • action
  • work
  • life
  • labour
  • movement
  • energy
  • exercise
  • spirit
  • enterprise
  • motion
  • bustle
  • animation
  • vigour
  • hustle
  • exertion
  • hurly-burly
  • liveliness
  • activeness


  • inertia
  • inaction
  • lethargy
  • inactivity
  • passivity
  • idleness
  • dullness
  • immobility
  • torpor
  • sluggishness
  • indolence

noun pursuit


  • pursuit
  • act
  • project
  • scheme
  • task
  • pleasure
  • interest
  • enterprise
  • undertaking
  • occupation
  • hobby
  • deed
  • endeavour
  • pastime
  • avocation

noun functioning


  • functioning
  • power
  • effect
  • strength
  • efficiency
  • capability
  • vitality
  • vigour
  • potency
  • efficacy

Synonyms for activity

noun energetic physical action


  • exercise
  • exertion

Synonyms for activity

noun any specific behavior

Related Words

  • human action
  • human activity
  • act
  • deed
  • variation
  • variance
  • space walk
  • domesticity
  • operation
  • practice
  • pattern
  • diversion
  • recreation
  • cup of tea
  • dish
  • bag
  • followup
  • follow-up
  • game
  • turn
  • play
  • music
  • acting
  • performing
  • playacting
  • playing
  • liveliness
  • animation
  • burst
  • fit
  • work
  • deeds
  • works
  • service
  • job
  • line of work
  • occupation
  • business
  • line
  • committal to writing
  • writing
  • role
  • actus reus
  • wrongful conduct
  • misconduct
  • wrongdoing
  • waste
  • wastefulness
  • dissipation
  • attempt
  • effort
  • try
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • control
  • protection
  • sensory activity
  • didactics
  • education
  • educational activity
  • instruction
  • pedagogy
  • teaching
  • grooming
  • training
  • preparation
  • representation
  • creation
  • creative activity
  • disassembly
  • dismantlement
  • dismantling
  • puncture
  • search
  • hunting
  • hunt
  • usage
  • use
  • utilisation
  • utilization
  • exercise
  • employment
  • military operation
  • measurement
  • measuring
  • mensuration
  • measure
  • calibration
  • standardisation
  • standardization
  • organisation
  • organization
  • grouping
  • supporting
  • support
  • continuance
  • continuation
  • procedure
  • process
  • ceremony
  • worship
  • activating
  • energizing
  • activation
  • concealing
  • hiding
  • concealment
  • locating
  • positioning
  • emplacement
  • location
  • placement
  • position
  • supplying
  • provision
  • supply
  • demand
  • pleasure
  • delectation
  • enjoyment
  • lamentation
  • mourning
  • laughter
  • market
  • marketplace
  • market place
  • politics
  • readying
  • assist
  • assistance
  • help
  • aid
  • behavior
  • conduct
  • doings
  • behaviour
  • leadership
  • leading
  • precession
  • precedence
  • precedency
  • solo
  • buzz
  • fun
  • hell
  • sin
  • outlet
  • vent
  • release
  • last
  • obfuscation
  • mystification
  • negotiation
  • verbalisation
  • verbalization
  • disturbance
  • perturbation
  • timekeeping


  • inactivity

noun the state of being active


  • activeness
  • action

Related Words

  • state
  • agency
  • busyness
  • hum
  • behaviour
  • behavior
  • eructation
  • extravasation
  • eruption
  • operation
  • overdrive
  • play
  • swing


  • inaction
  • inactiveness
  • inactivity

noun an organic process that takes place in the body


  • bodily function
  • bodily process
  • body process

Related Words

  • control
  • breathing
  • external respiration
  • respiration
  • ventilation
  • breath
  • consumption
  • ingestion
  • intake
  • uptake
  • sex
  • sex activity
  • sexual activity
  • sexual practice
  • insemination
  • sleeping
  • response
  • reaction
  • crying
  • tears
  • weeping
  • ablactation
  • anastalsis
  • expelling
  • discharge
  • emission
  • expectoration
  • festering
  • suppuration
  • maturation
  • healing
  • hypostasis
  • lachrymation
  • lacrimation
  • tearing
  • watering
  • lactation
  • opsonisation
  • opsonization
  • biological process
  • organic process
  • overactivity
  • peristalsis
  • vermiculation
  • diaphoresis
  • hidrosis
  • sudation
  • sweating
  • perspiration
  • phagocytosis
  • pinocytosis
  • placentation
  • psilosis
  • tanning
  • transpiration

noun (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction

Related Words

  • chemical science
  • chemistry
  • capability
  • capacity

noun a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings)


  • natural action
  • natural process
  • action

Related Words

  • physical process
  • process
  • radiation
  • absorption
  • acidification
  • adiabatic process
  • aeration
  • antiredeposition
  • capture
  • centrifugation
  • chemical action
  • chemical change
  • chemical process
  • chromatography
  • concretion
  • condensation
  • convection
  • clotting
  • coagulation
  • curdling
  • decay
  • demagnetisation
  • demagnetization
  • desorption
  • diffusion
  • dissolution
  • disintegration
  • distillation
  • distillment
  • drift
  • effervescence
  • cataphoresis
  • dielectrolysis
  • electrophoresis
  • ionophoresis
  • ecesis
  • establishment
  • extinction
  • extraction
  • feedback
  • filtration
  • flocculation
  • flow
  • formation
  • fossilisation
  • fossilization
  • geologic process
  • geological process
  • curing
  • solidification
  • solidifying
  • hardening
  • set
  • inactivation
  • ion exchange
  • ionisation
  • ionization
  • leach
  • leaching
  • magnetic induction
  • magnetisation
  • magnetization
  • materialisation
  • materialization
  • nuclear reaction
  • opacification
  • oscillation
  • oxygenation
  • pair creation
  • pair formation
  • pair production
  • phase change
  • phase transition
  • physical change
  • state change
  • precession of the equinoxes
  • release
  • saltation
  • scattering
  • sericulture
  • sink
  • soak
  • soakage
  • soaking
  • softening
  • sorption
  • source
  • rigidification
  • rigidifying
  • stiffening
  • stimulation
  • ecological succession
  • succession
  • natural selection
  • survival of the fittest
  • survival
  • selection
  • synergism
  • synergy
  • temperature change
  • transduction
  • transpiration
  • vitrification

noun the trait of being active


  • activeness

Related Words

  • trait
  • brio
  • invigoration
  • spiritedness
  • vivification
  • animation
  • pizzaz
  • pizzazz
  • zing
  • oomph
  • dynamism




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