Acronym | Definition |
DVA➣Department of Veterans Affairs |
DVA➣Domestic Violence and Abuse |
DVA➣Deutsche Verlagsanstalt (German publishing company) |
DVA➣Dynamic Vibration Absorber |
DVA➣Digital Video Adapter |
DVA➣Direct Video Access |
DVA➣Document View Architecture |
DVA➣Digital Voice Activation |
DVA➣Design and Visual Arts (various organizations) |
DVA➣Digital Video and Audio |
DVA➣Domestic Value Added (exports) |
DVA➣Détecteur de Victime d'Avalanche (French: Avalance Detector) |
DVA➣Defence and Veterans Affairs (Australia) |
DVA➣Dominique Vivier Automobiles (French car dealer) |
DVA➣Defence Vetting Agency (UK) |
DVA➣Dynamic Visual Acuity (vision assessment) |
DVA➣DatenVerarbeitungsAnlage |
DVA➣Dossier de Voirie d'Agglomération (French: Case of Urban Road) |
DVA➣Direction de la Vie Associative (French: Directorate of Community Life) |
DVA➣Distribution Video & Audio (also seen as DV&A; Florida) |
DVA➣Direct Vertical Access (Oil Industry) |
DVA➣Deutsches Volksliedarchiv (German: German Folk Song Archive) |
DVA➣Developmental Venous Anomaly |
DVA➣Dispositif de Vie Autonome (French: Device Independent Living) |
DVA➣Dundee Voluntary Action (Scotland, UK) |
DVA➣Diffusion Voilages Ameublement (French: Furniture Blinds Distribution) |
DVA➣Diverse Vector Area |
DVA➣Delta Vancouver Airport (Canada) |
DVA➣Dépôt-Vente Auto (French car sales) |
DVA➣Designated Viticultural Areas (wine regions) |
DVA➣Detector Vacuum Assembly |
DVA➣Dilated Vestibular Aqueduct |
DVA➣Delcloy-Vinson Architectes (French architecture firm) |
DVA➣Deer Vehicle Accident |
DVA➣Design, Verified and Assigned |
DVA➣Direct Voltage Adapter |
DVA➣Dedicated Vendor Advocate |
DVA➣Doc Valentine Advertising |
DVA➣Deflecting Vane Anemometer |
DVA➣Dynamic Vocoding Allocation |
DVA➣Difficult Venous Access |
DVA➣Declaración de Voluntad Anticipada (Spanish: Living Will Declaration) |
DVA➣Debit Valuation Adjustment |
DVA➣Dual Vehicle Adaptor (US DoD) |