

单词 cui
释义 DictionarySeeGUI



(Character-based User Interface) A method for interacting with the computer that displays a fixed set of rows and columns on screen with monospaced characters and a single font. Common in the days of mainframe and minicomputer terminals as well as the early days of personal computers (DOS, Apple II, CP/M, etc.), CUI-based computers were operated by the keyboard, using a combination of function keys, key sequences and by typing in commands in a prescribed syntax. CUIs were superseded by GUIs (graphical user interfaces), and although character-based displays are no longer common, command line interfaces are still included in all major operating systems. Contrast with GUI.



Abbreviation for:
chronic uterine infection
chronic urinary infection
common user interface (Medspeak-UK)


CUIConcordia University (Irvine, CA)
CUIContrat Unique d'Insertion (French: Single Integration Contract)
CUICorrosion Under Insulation (American Petroleum Institute standards)
CUIControlled Unclassified Information
CUIConsole User Interface
CUICharacter User Interface
CUIConcept Unique Identifier
CUICommon User Interface
CUIChristians United for Israel
CUIConcrete User Interface
CUICubic Inches
CUIColor User Interface
CUICustom User Interface
CUIContent and User Interface
CUICanadian Urban Institute
CUICentre Universitaire d'Informatique (Geneva, Switzerland)
CUICycling under the Influence (California)
CUIConsistent User Interface
CUIChargeable User Identity
CUICustomer User Interface
CUIConsolidated Unit Inspection (various armed forces)
CUICentro Universitario de Idiomas (Argentina)
CUICódigo Único de Identificación (Spanish: Unique Identification Code; various nations)
CUICommunications User Interface
CUICritical Unclassified Information
CUICombined Unit Inspection (US Air Force)
CUICellular Usage Index (Republic Wireless)
CUIChemical Use Inventory
CUICMP User Interface




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