APAOAsia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology
APAOAssistant Public Affairs Officer (various locations)
APAOAsphalt Pavement Association of Oregon (Salem, OR)
APAOamorphous polyalphaolefin
APAOAggregate Producers' Association of Ontario (Canada)
APAOAssociation of Physician Assistants in Oncology
APAOAmorphous Poly-Alpha-Olefins
APAOAsian Pacific Astronomy Olympiad
APAOAcute Peripheral Arterial Occlusion (artery blockage)
APAOArchaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania
APAOAtactic Poly Alpha Olefins
APAOAlternative Policy Advisory Organizations
APAOAmes Public Affairs Office (NASA)
APAOAssociation of Performance Art Organizers
APAOAmino Phenyl Arsine Oxide