EFBElectronic Flight Bag (aircraft/crew computing device)
EFBEuropean Federation of Biotechnology
EFBEmbedded Frame Buffer
EFBElectronic Field Book
EFBEnglish for Business
EFBEnvironmental and Forest Biology (New York)
EFBEmpty Fruit Bunches
EFBÉcole Française du Béton (French: French School of Construction)
EFBÉcole Française de Badminton (French: French School of Badminton)
EFBÉtoile Filante Bastiaise (French sports club)
EFBÉditions Francine Breton (French publishing company)
EFBEmergency Food Box (various locations)
EFBÉcole Française Bilingue (French: Bilingual French School)
EFBEcole de Formation du Barreau (France)
EFBEsbjerg Forenede Boldklubber (Esbjerg, Denmark soccer club)
EFBEggs for Bart (Simpsons parody game)
EFBElectronic Field Book (computer program or hardware used to collect various data for submission to off-line data processors)
EFBEnfants de France Bergerac (French: Children of Bergerac, France)
EFBEntrepôt Frigorifique de Bressuire (French cold storage business)
EFBElectronic Fundgrube Braunschweig (German: Electronic Treasure Trove Brunswick)
EFBEnfants des Favelas Brésil (French: Children of Favelas, Brazil)
EFBEntraide Féminine Burkinabé (French: Mutual Burkinabe Women; Burkina Faso)
EFBEnvironment and Food Bureau (Hong Kong)
EFBExport and Finance Bank (Jordan)
EFBEnhanced Fixed Bias (amplifiers)
EFBEffective Fringe Benefits (accounting/payroll)
EFBEDAC & Format Buffer