

单词 ef



E0047600 (ĕf)n. The letter f.


(ɛf) n (Linguistics) f, being the sixth letter and fourth consonant of the modern English alphabet



Abbreviation for ejection fraction.


(frak'shon) [L. fractio, act of breaking] 1. In biological chemistry, the separable part of a substance such as blood or plasma. 2. The ratio of a component to the total, e.g., the substance fraction of carboxyhemoglobin (relative to the total hemoglobin).

attributable fraction

The percentage of instances of an illness that can be accounted for by a particular risk factor. For example, people exposed to asbestos have a certain risk of developing lung cancer, and if they also smoke tobacco, they are also at risk from that factor. These risks may be estimated from cohort studies. Synonym: additional risk; attributable risk

carboxyhemoglobin fraction

The percentage of total hemoglobin in a blood sample that is covalently bonded to carbon monoxide.

ejection fraction

Abbreviation: EF
In cardiac physiology, the percentage of the blood emptied from the ventricle during systole. The left ventricular ejection fraction averages 60% to 70% in healthy hearts but can be markedly reduced if part of the heart muscle dies (as after myocardial infarction) or in cardiomyopathy or valvular heart disease.

immature platelet fraction

Abbreviation: IPF
The percent of platelets found in the circulating blood that still retains RNA. It is elevated (greater than 12%) in diseases in which platelets are rapidly destroyed after their release from the bone marrow, e.g., disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). These diseases can be distinguished from other thrombocytopenic conditions in which platelet regeneration is slower, e.g., aplastic anemia, liver failure, or kidney failure, because the IPF is usually less than 12% in diseases characterized by bone marrow inactivity or suppression. The IPF is determined using flow cytometry.

fraction of inspired oxygen

Abbreviation: Fio2
The concentration of oxygen in the inspired air, esp. that supplied as supplemental oxygen by mask or catheter.

mass fraction

The ratio of the mass of a constituent to the total mass of the system in which the constituent is contained.

methemoglobin fraction

The fraction of the hemoglobin in the blood in which ferrous iron has been oxidized to ferric iron.

oxyhemoglobin fraction

F O2Hb That portion of hemoglobin present in a sample of blood that is reversibly bound to oxygen.

plasma protein fraction

A standard sterile preparation of serum albumin and globulin obtained by fractionating blood, serum, or plasma from healthy human donors and testing for absence of hepatitis B surface antigen. It is used as a blood volume expander.

substance fraction

The ratio of the amount (number of moles or entities) of a constituent of a mixture to the total of constituents of the system. See: mass fraction

volume fraction

The ratio of the volume of a constituent to the volume of the whole. In practice, it may be difficult to determine the volume fraction because differences in the molecular sizes of the constituents may produce a total volume that differs from the sum of the individual volumes of the mixture. When materials of similar physicochemical characteristics (such as multiple aqueous solutions) are combined, this is not a problem.

ejection fraction

Abbreviation: EF
In cardiac physiology, the percentage of the blood emptied from the ventricle during systole. The left ventricular ejection fraction averages 60% to 70% in healthy hearts but can be markedly reduced if part of the heart muscle dies (as after myocardial infarction) or in cardiomyopathy or valvular heart disease. See also: fraction


EFElectronic Warfare Fighter (US military aircraft designation)
EFElectronic Filing
EFEducation First (internation English school)
EFEnvironmentally Friendly (various organizations)
EFExpedited Forwarding
EFEjection Fraction (cardiology)
EFEntity Framework (software)
EFEquivalent Focal Length
EFEnergy Factor
EFElongation Factor (protein synthesis)
EFExecutive Function
EFEjection Fraction
EFEducation Foundation (various organizations)
EFEmergency Fund
EFEagle Forum
EFExtra Fine (threads)
EFExperimental Forest (USDA)
EFElectric Field
EFEmission (s) Factor
EFElite Force (Star Trek: Voyager computer game)
EFEnhanced Fujita Scale (tornadoes)
EFExtremely Fine (numismatics; 7th best condition of coin)
EFEnd Function
EFEquifax (credit reporting agency)
EFEcological Footprint
EFEpic Fail (Internet slang)
EFEntry Fee
EFElectronic Form
EFExhaust Fan
EFExternal Forces
EFElegant Feeling (Hyundai)
EFEdema Factor (microbiology; bacillary subunit of anthrax)
EFEquipment Failure (Wandel Goltermann)
EFEnemy Forces
EFEnvironmental Factor (The Olewine Company)
EFExposed Facility
EFEphedrine Free (thermogenic formula)
EFElmer Fudd (cartoon)
EFEarly Finish
EFElectron Flow
EFEuropæiske Fællesskab (Danish: European Community)
EFEmma Frost
EFEnrichment Factor
EFElementary Functions (TMN)
EFOperation Enduring Freedom (US DoD)
EFEducational Forum
EFExperience Factory
EFEnd Fitting
EFEngineering Fundamentals
EFEmitter Follower
EFElementary File
EFExcitation Frequency
EFElizabeth Forward (school district, Pennsylvania)
EFEnterprise Framework
EFElite Four (gaming, Pokemon)
EFElbow Flexor
EFEncircled Flux (fiber optics)
EFElectro-Focus (Canon Cameras)
EFEnglish Finish
EFElectronic Focusing
EFEscuela de la Fe (Spanish)
EFEris Free (Internet Relay Chat network)
EFExtension Flag
EFEndgame Framework (modeling and simulation)
EFEncyclopedia Frobozzica (Zork adventure game)
EFExtended Fractal
EFElectro-Flechette (gaming, Missionforce: Cyberstorm)




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