

单词 duty



D0438500 (do͞o′tē, dyo͞o′-)n. pl. du·ties 1. a. An act or a course of action that is required of one by position, social custom, law, or religion: the duties of being a critical care nurse.b. Required action or service: jury duty; beyond the call of duty. See Synonyms at function.c. Active military service: a tour of duty.2. a. Moral or legal obligation: It is your duty to tell the truth.b. The compulsion felt to meet such obligation: acting out of duty.3. A tax charged by a government, especially on imports.4. a. The application of something for a purpose; use: The dining room table also does duty as a desk.b. A measure of efficiency expressed as the amount of work done per unit of energy used.5. The total volume of water required to irrigate a given area in order to cultivate a specific crop until harvest.Idioms: duty bound Obliged: You are duty bound to help your little sister and brother. off duty Not engaged in or responsible for assigned work. on duty Engaged in or responsible for assigned work.
[Middle English duete, from Anglo-Norman, from due, variant of Old French deu, due; see due.]


(ˈdjuːtɪ) n, pl -ties1. a task or action that a person is bound to perform for moral or legal reasons2. respect or obedience due to a superior, older persons, etc: filial duty. 3. the force that binds one morally or legally to one's obligations4. (Commerce) a government tax, esp on imports5. (Mechanical Engineering) a. the quantity or intensity of work for which a machine is designedb. a measure of the efficiency of a machine6. (Agriculture) the quantity of water necessary to irrigate an area of land to grow a particular crop7. (Military) a. a job or service allocatedb. (as modifier): duty rota. 8. (Military) do duty for to act as a substitute for9. off duty not at work10. on duty at work[C13: from Anglo-French dueté, from Old French deu due]


(ˈdu ti, ˈdyu-)

n., pl. -ties. 1. something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation. 2. the binding force of something that is morally or legally right; moral or legal obligation. 3. an action or task required by a person's position or occupation: the duties of a clergyman. 4. the respectful and obedient conduct due a parent, elder, or superior. 5. an act or expression of respect. 6. a task or chore that one is expected to perform. 7. a. an assigned military task, occupation, or place of service: on radar duty. b. the military service required of a citizen by a country. 8. a specific or ad valorem tax imposed by law on the import or export of goods. 9. a payment, service, etc., imposed and enforceable by law or custom. 10. a. the amount of work done by an engine per unit amount of fuel consumed. b. the measure of effectiveness of any machine. Idioms: 1. do duty as, to serve the same function as; substitute for. 2. off duty, not at one's post or work; at liberty. 3. on duty, at one's post or work. [1250–1300; < Anglo-French duete; see due, ty2] syn: duty, obligation refer to something a person feels bound to do. A duty often applies to what a person performs in fulfillment of the permanent dictates of conscience, piety, right, or law: one's duty to tell the truth; a parent's duty to raise children properly. An obligation is what is expected at a particular time in fulfillment of a specific and often personal promise, contract, or agreement: social or financial obligations.


– duty1. 'obligation' and 'duty'

If you say that someone has an obligation to do something or a duty to do something, you mean that they ought to do it, because it is their responsibility. When obligation and duty are used like this, they have the same meaning.

When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.Perhaps it was his duty to tell the police what he had seen.
2. 'duties'

Your duties are the things that you do as part of your job.

She has been given a reasonable time to learn her duties.They also have to carry out many administrative duties.

Be Careful!
Don't refer to the things that you do as part of your job as 'obligations'.

Noun1.duty - the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that forceduty - the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jrobligation, responsibilityjob - the responsibility to do something; "it is their job to print the truth"safekeeping, guardianship, keeping - the responsibility of a guardian or keeper; "he left his car in my keeping"social control - control exerted (actively or passively) by group actionmoral obligation - an obligation arising out of considerations of right and wrong; "he did it out of a feeling of moral obligation"noblesse oblige - the obligation of those of high rank to be honorable and generous (often used ironically)burden of proof - the duty of proving a disputed chargecivic duty, civic responsibility - the responsibilities of a citizenfilial duty - duty of a child to its parentsimperative - some duty that is essential and urgentincumbency - a duty that is incumbent upon youlegal duty - acts which the law requires be done or forborneline of duty - all that is normally required in some area of responsibilitywhite man's burden - the supposed responsibility of the white race to provide care for their non-white subjectsprerequisite, requirement - something that is required in advance; "Latin was a prerequisite for admission"requirement, demand - required activity; "the requirements of his work affected his health"; "there were many demands on his time"
2.duty - work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasonsduty - work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons; "the duties of the job"work - activity directed toward making or doing something; "she checked several points needing further work"chore, job, task - a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee; "estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars"; "the job of repairing the engine took several hours"; "the endless task of classifying the samples"; "the farmer's morning chores"role, function, office, part - the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"assignment, duty assignment - a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces); "hazardous duty"
3.duty - a government tax on imports or exportsduty - a government tax on imports or exports; "they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries"tariffindirect tax - a tax levied on goods or services rather than on persons or organizationscustoms, customs duty, impost, custom - money collected under a tarifftonnage, tonnage duty, tunnage - a tax imposed on ships that enter the US; based on the tonnage of the shipoctroi - a tax on various goods brought into a townrevenue tariff - a tariff imposed to raise revenueprotective tariff - a tariff imposed to protect domestic firms from import competitionimport duty - a duty imposed on importsexport duty - a duty imposed on exportscountervailing duty - a duty imposed to offset subsidies by foreign governments


noun1. responsibility, job, task, work, calling, business, service, office, charge, role, function, mission, province, obligation, assignment, pigeon (informal), onus My duty is to look after the animals.2. tax, customs, toll, levy, tariff, excise, due, impost Duty on imports would also be reduced.be the duty of or be someone's duty be up to (informal), rest with, behove (archaic), be (someone's) pigeon (Brit. informal), be incumbent upon, devolve upon It is the duty of the state to maintain the educational system.off duty off work, off, free, on holiday, not working, on leave, at leisure I'm off duty.on duty at work, working, busy, engaged, on call, on active service Extra staff had been put on duty.Quotations
"Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers" [Henri Frédéric Amiel Journal]
"Without duty, life is soft and boneless; it cannot hold itself together" [Joseph Joubert Pensées]
"When a stupid man is doing something that he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty" [George Bernard Shaw Caesar and Cleopatra]
"Do your duty, and leave the outcome to the Gods" [Pierre Corneille Horace]
"England expects that every man will do his duty" [Horatio Nelson speech at the Battle of Trafalgar]
"Duty, honour! We make these words say whatever we want, the same as we do with parrots" [Alfred Capus Mariage Bourgeois]


noun1. An act or course of action that is demanded of one, as by position, custom, law, or religion:burden, charge, commitment, imperative, must, need, obligation, responsibility.2. A piece of work that has been assigned:assignment, chore, job, office, stint, task.3. The condition of being put to use:application, employment, service, use, utilization.4. A compulsory contribution, usually of money, that is required for the support of a government:assessment, impost, levy, tariff, tax.


(ˈdjuːti) plural ˈduties noun1. what one ought morally or legally to do. He acted out of duty; I do my duty as a responsible citizen. 責任,義務 责任,义务 2. an action or task requiring to be done, especially one attached to a job. I had a few duties to perform in connection with my job. 任務 任务3. (a) tax on goods. You must pay duty when you bring wine into the country. 關稅 关税ˈdutiable adjective (of goods) on which tax is to be paid. 應繳稅的 应缴税的ˈdutiful adjective (negative undutiful) careful to do what one should. a dutiful daughter. 盡職的 尽职的ˌduty-ˈfree adjective free from tax. duty-free wines. 免稅的 免税的off duty not actually working and not liable to be asked to do so: The doctor's off duty this weekend; () adjective (etc)She spends her off-duty hours at home. 下班 下班on duty carrying out one's duties or liable to be asked to do so during a certain period. I'm on duty again this evening. 值班,上班 值班,上班


  • Do I have to pay duty on this? → 我必须交付关税吗?


  • a bounden duty
  • above and beyond
  • above and beyond the call of duty
  • active duty
  • be duty bound
  • be honor-bound to (do something)
  • be/feel duty/honour bound to do something
  • beyond the call of duty
  • bounden duty
  • call of duty
  • dereliction of duty
  • do (double) duty
  • do (double) duty as (something)
  • do (one's) duty
  • do one's duty
  • double duty
  • duty bound
  • duty bound to (someone or something)
  • duty bound, to be
  • duty calls
  • feel duty bound to (do something)
  • feel honor-bound to (do something)
  • go above and beyond (one's) duty
  • go above and beyond duty
  • go above and beyond the call of duty
  • heavy-duty
  • in the line of duty
  • legal duty
  • off duty
  • on active duty
  • on duty
  • on/off duty
  • rack duty
  • rack time
  • relieve (someone or oneself) of (something)
  • relieve one of duties
  • shirk (one's) duty
  • shirk duty
See duty



in taxation: see tarifftariff,
tax on imported and, more rarely, exported goods. It is also called a customs duty. Tariffs may be distinguished from other taxes in that their predominant purpose is not financial but economic—not to increase a nation's revenue but to protect domestic industries
..... Click the link for more information.
; excise taxesexcise taxes,
governmental levies on specific goods produced and consumed inside a country. They differ from tariffs, which usually apply only to foreign-made goods, and from sales taxes, which typically apply to all commodities other than those specifically exempted.
..... Click the link for more information.



a category of ethics that expresses the moral task of a particular individual, group of individuals, class, or people under specific social conditions and situations, a task that for them becomes an internally acceptable obligation. In this respect duty differs from the more abstract concept of what is due or fitting, which encompasses all the demands made on people in the form of norms.

In the history of mankind’s moral consciousness, duty has been interpreted in different ways, according to social or class conceptions of man’s obligations at a particular period in history; it has always been connected with specific problems of a time and of a given society. The concept of duty has included the fulfillment of the “simplest rules of the community of man,” which had been developed in the course of history. The problem of the nature of duty has always given rise to disagreement among the various schools and trends of philosophical ethics. The foundations of duty have been connected with the interpretation of moral necessity—the fulfillment of divine commands, cosmic or supernatural laws, official or unofficial social precepts, or self-realization of the internal potential of the personality.

In Marxist ethics, moral duty is regarded as the concretization of general requirements of morality, which have a historical origin and which pertain to existing circumstances, conditions, and a person’s abilities and potentials. These requirements determine the conditions and degree of his responsibility and constitute his motives and conscience. Thus, duty expresses the moral specifics of the socio-ideological position of personality with respect to the existing social situation and to the conflict and disposition of class forces, as well as the moral specifics of internal convictions and the means of their realization.


Marx, K., and F. Engels. “Nemetskaia ideologiia.” Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 3, pp. 235-36.
Lenin, V. I. “Gosudarstvo i revoliutsiia.” Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 33, chap. 5.
Lenin, V. I. “Zadachi soiuzov molodezhi.” Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 41.
Arkhangel’skii, L. M. Kategorii marksistskoi etiki. Moscow, 1963.


What does it mean when you dream about duty?

To feel bound by duty in a dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s past experiences in the military. If, however, the dreamer is overly concerned with duty in their dreams, perhaps compulsive behavior or control issues are posing problems.


1. a government tax, esp on imports 2. Brita. the quantity or intensity of work for which a machine is designed b. a measure of the efficiency of a machine



Medical malpractice The failure or alleged failure on the part of a physician or other health care provider to exercise ordinary, reasonable, usual, or expected care, prudence, or skill–that would usually and customarily be exercised by other reputable physicians treating similar Pts–in performing a legally recognized duty, resulting in forseeable harm, injury or loss to another; negligence may be an act of omission–ie, unintentional, or commission–ie, intentional, characterized by inattention, recklessness, inadvertence, thoughtlessness, or wantonness. See Adverse event, Comparative negligence, Contributory negligence, Gross negligence, Malpractice, Wanton negligence, Willful negligence. Cf Recklessness. Negligence, required elements
Duty A recognized relationship between Pt and physician Breach Failure of a medical practitioner to practice in accordance with standard of care Proximate cause The plaintiff must show that injury is reasonably connected to physician's action Damages Plaintiff must show that alleged loss or damage has a quantifiable value such that a monetary payment can be made APLM 1997; 121:252


(doo′tē, dū′) A social, professional, legal, or ethical expectation that compels a standard of performance; an obligation or requirement.


Related to Duty: customs duty, Duty cycle, Duty free


A legal obligation that entails mandatory conduct or performance. With respect to the laws relating to Customs Duties, a tax owed to the government for the import or export of goods.

A fiduciary, such as an executor or trustee, who occupies a position of confidence in relation to a third person, owes such person a duty to render services, provide care, or perform certain acts on his or her behalf.

In the context of Negligence cases, a person has a duty to comport himself or herself in a particular manner with respect to another person.


n. 1) a legal obligation, the breach of which can result in liability. In a lawsuit a plaintiff must claim and prove that there was a duty by defendant to plaintiff. This can be a duty of care in a negligence case or a duty to perform in a contract case. 2) a tax on imports. (See: duty of care)

DUTY, natural law. A human action which is, exactly conformable to the laws which require us to obey them.
2. It differs from a legal obligation, because a duty cannot always be enforced by the law; it is our duty, for example, to be temperate in eating, but we are under no legal obligation to be so; we ought to love our neighbors, but no law obliges us to love them.
3. Duties may be considered in the relation of man towards God, towards himself, and towards mankind. 1. We are bound to obey the will of God as far as we are able to discover it, because he is the sovereign Lord of the universe who made and governs all things by his almighty power, and infinite wisdom. The general name of this duty is piety: which consists in entertaining just opinions concerning him, and partly in such affections towards him, and such, worship of him, as is suitable to these opinions.
4.-2. A man has a duty to perform towards himself; he is bound by the law of nature to protect his life and his limbs; it is his duty, too, to avoid all intemperance in eating and drinking, and in the unlawful gratification of all his other appetites.
5.-3. He has duties to perform towards others. He is bound to do to others the same justice which he would have a right to expect them to do to him.



A tax on imports, exports, or consumption goods.


A tax that a country imposes on its imports and, occasionally, exports. A duty exists to make an import more expensive and to thereby encourage people to buy goods produced in their own country. Proponents of their use argue that duties discourage outsourcing of jobs to other countries and make the country more self-sufficient, but most economists agree that they are economically inefficient and some contend that they may ultimately harm the people they are intended to help. A duty is also called a tariff. See also: WTO, International trade, Globalization.


See tariff.
See DY
See DY


Related to duty: customs duty, Duty cycle, Duty free
  • all
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for duty

noun responsibility


  • responsibility
  • job
  • task
  • work
  • calling
  • business
  • service
  • office
  • charge
  • role
  • function
  • mission
  • province
  • obligation
  • assignment
  • pigeon
  • onus

noun tax


  • tax
  • customs
  • toll
  • levy
  • tariff
  • excise
  • due
  • impost

phrase be the duty of or be someone's duty


  • be up to
  • rest with
  • behove
  • be (someone's) pigeon
  • be incumbent upon
  • devolve upon

phrase off duty


  • off work
  • off
  • free
  • on holiday
  • not working
  • on leave
  • at leisure

phrase on duty


  • at work
  • working
  • busy
  • engaged
  • on call
  • on active service

Synonyms for duty

noun an act or course of action that is demanded of one, as by position, custom, law, or religion


  • burden
  • charge
  • commitment
  • imperative
  • must
  • need
  • obligation
  • responsibility

noun a piece of work that has been assigned


  • assignment
  • chore
  • job
  • office
  • stint
  • task

noun the condition of being put to use


  • application
  • employment
  • service
  • use
  • utilization

noun a compulsory contribution, usually of money, that is required for the support of a government


  • assessment
  • impost
  • levy
  • tariff
  • tax

Synonyms for duty

noun the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force


  • obligation
  • responsibility

Related Words

  • job
  • safekeeping
  • guardianship
  • keeping
  • social control
  • moral obligation
  • noblesse oblige
  • burden of proof
  • civic duty
  • civic responsibility
  • filial duty
  • imperative
  • incumbency
  • legal duty
  • line of duty
  • white man's burden
  • prerequisite
  • requirement
  • demand

noun work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons

Related Words

  • work
  • chore
  • job
  • task
  • role
  • function
  • office
  • part
  • assignment
  • duty assignment

noun a government tax on imports or exports


  • tariff

Related Words

  • indirect tax
  • customs
  • customs duty
  • impost
  • custom
  • tonnage
  • tonnage duty
  • tunnage
  • octroi
  • revenue tariff
  • protective tariff
  • import duty
  • export duty
  • countervailing duty




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