continuing care community


 [kŏ-mu´nĭ-te] a group of persons residing together in face-to-face association; a group of persons with whom an individual identifies as a source of identity and potential support.continuing care community life care care community a living arrangement for older adults that provides several levels of care within one facility or complex. As the resident requires more health supervision, he or she moves from areas that are more independent to those where care is provided under the supervision of a registered nurse. Life care communities usually require an entry fee as well as a monthly fee. Called also continuing care community.therapeutic community a specially structured mental treatment center, employing group and milieu therapy and encouraging the patient to function within social norms.

continuing care community

A type of managed care that combines health insurance, housing, and social care, usually for the elderly. The participant enters a contractual arrangement, in which he or she receives a residence and long-term care on an as-needed basis in exchange for an agreed-upon fee.