

单词 flusher


flush 1

F0208600 (flŭsh)v. flushed, flush·ing, flush·es v.intr.1. To turn red, as from fever, embarrassment, or strong emotion; blush.2. To glow, especially with a reddish color: The sky flushed pink at dawn.3. To flow suddenly and abundantly, as from containment; flood.4. To be emptied or cleaned by a rapid flow of water, as a toilet.v.tr.1. To cause to redden or glow.2. To excite or elate: The team was flushed with the success of victory.3. a. To clean, rinse, or empty with a rapid flow of a liquid, especially water: flush a toilet; flush a wound with iodine.b. To drive away with a rapid flow of a liquid: flush debris from a pipe.c. To remove or eliminate: "The weakness in demand and productivity will at least ... flush out some of the inflation premium that has been built into interest rates" (Fortune).n.1. a. A flooding flow or rush, as of water.b. The act of cleaning or rinsing by or as if by flushing.2. A blush or glow: "here and there a flush of red on the lip of a little cloud" (Willa Cather).3. a. A reddening of the skin, as with fever, emotion, or exertion.b. A brief sensation of heat over all or part of the body.4. A rush of strong feeling: a flush of pride.5. A state of great vigor or development. See Synonyms at bloom1.adj. flush·er, flush·est 1. Having a healthy reddish color; flushed.2. a. Having an abundant supply of something, especially money: a business that is flush with profits; a crowd that was flush with excitement.b. Marked by abundance; plentiful: flush times resulting from the oil boom.3. a. Having surfaces in the same plane; even.b. Arranged with adjacent sides, surfaces, or edges close together: a sofa flush against the wall. See Synonyms at level.c. Printing Aligned evenly with a margin, as along the left or right edge of a typeset page; not indented.4. Direct, straightforward, or solid: knocked out by a flush blow to the jaw.5. Designed to be emptied or cleaned by flushing: a flush toilet.adv.1. So as to be even, in one plane, or aligned with a margin.2. Squarely or solidly: The ball hit him flush on the face.
[Probably from flush, to dart out.]
flush′er n.flush′ness n.

flush 2

F0208600 (flŭsh)n. Games A hand in which all the cards are of the same suit but not in numerical sequence, ranked above a straight and below a full house in poker.
[French flux, flus, from Old French flux, from Latin flūxus, flux; see flux.]

flush 3

F0208600 (flŭsh)v. flushed, flush·ing, flush·es v.tr.1. To frighten (a game bird, for example) from cover.2. To drive or force into the open: The police fired tear gas to flush out the terrorists.v.intr. To dart out or fly from cover.n. A bird or flock of birds that has been frightened from cover.
[Middle English flusshen.]



A toilet. We're going to need a new flusher sooner than later with the way this one clogs at the slightest bit of toilet paper.


One who deceives or bluffs. The phrase comes from poker, in which a "four-flush" is a meaningless hand. (One needs five, not four, cards of the same suit in order to have a flush.) You can't believe a word that fool says—he's a real four-flusher.


n. a toilet. (Compared to an outhouse.) I hear they put in a flusher over at the Babbits’.


n. a cheater. Bruno is a lousy four-flusher, among other unpleasant things.


A fraud, a bluffer. To hold a four flush in poker is to have four cards of the same suit but not the fifth card that would make a potentially winning hand. Since four of a suit is worthless, a “four-flusher” is gambling that you'll believe her or she has the goods or the right stuff. The suggestion that a four-flusher is so full of crap that getting all of it down the toilet will take four pulls of the handle is an imaginative but incorrect derivation of the phrase.




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