Fluorometric Bitumen Logging

Fluorometric Bitumen Logging


a method of determining the quantitative content and qualitative composition of bituminous matter (mainly in rock) based on its luminescent properties.

Fluorometric bitumen logging is used in combination with geological data to assess the prospects for the presence of petroleum and gas in geological regions, areas, or individual structures; for stratigraphic separation of layers of sedimentary rock, particularly in the absence of remains of fauna and flora; and to correlate petroleum-bearing beds. It is done by means of stationary or mobile stations with fluorometric equipment. The ultraviolet rays of sunlight or mercury-quartz lamps are used to analyze the bitumen content of core samples, sludge, and drilling mud extracted from a borehole. The results of fluorometric bitumen logging are depicted graphically together with the lithologicstratigraphic column.

The simplicity of the method and equipment, as well as high productivity, have ensured extensive incorporation of fluorometric bitumen logging in geological prospecting. Fluorometric bitumen logging may be used in conjunction with other types of logging, such as gas logging.


Florovskaia, V. N. Liuminestsentno-bituminologicheskii metod v neftianoi geologii. Moscow, 1957.
Rukovodstvo po metodike liuminestsentno-bituminologicheskikh issledovanii. Leningrad, 1966.