cerebrovascular disease

cer·e·bro·vas·cu·lar dis·ease

general term for a brain dysfunction caused by an abnormality of the cerebral blood supply.

cerebrovascular disease

Neurology Any vascular disease affecting cerebral arteries–eg ASHD, diabetic vasculopathy, HTN, which may cause a CVA or TIA with neurologic sequelae–speech, vision, movement of variable duration. See Cerebrovascular accident, Transient ischemic attack.

cerebrovascular disease

Damage to the brain caused by disease of the arteries supplying it with blood, especially ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Arterial disease results in an inadequate blood flow and a reduction in the supply of vital oxygen and sugar. This leads to TRANSIENT ISCHAEMIC ATTACKS and STROKE.

cer·e·bro·vas·cu·lar dis·ease

(serĕ-brō-vaskyū-lăr di-zēz) Brain dysfunction caused by an abnormality of cerebral blood supply.