cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea

cer·e·bro·spi·nal flu·id o·tor·rhe·a

discharge of cerebrospinal fluid through the external auditory canal or through the eustachian tube into the nasopharynx.

cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea

Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the external auditory canal. It is usually the result of prior surgery to the ear or mastoid bone or of trauma to the skull, and may predispose patients to meningitis. See also: otorrhea

cer·e·bro·spi·nal flu·id o·tor·rhe·a

(serĕ-brō-spīnăl flūid ōtō-rēă) Discharge of cerebrospinal fluid through external auditory canal or pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube into nasopharynx.