Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge
906 W Sinclair Rd
Calipatria, CA 92233
Established: 1985.
Location:West of Indio, California.
Activities:Hiking, horseback riding.
Special Features:The refuge contains the majority of critical habitat within the Coachella Valley Preserve for the Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard. The area has the state's second largest grove of native fan palms and some Coachella Valley milk vetch, a plant with pinkish-purple flowers.
Habitats: 13,000 acres of palm oasis woodlands, perennial desert pools, and blow-sand habitat.
Access: Closed to the public except for a trail on the north part of the refuge.
Wild life: Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard (threatened) and flat-tailed horned lizard.
See other parks in California.