EESGElectric Energy Systems Group (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA)
EESGEscola Estadual de Segundo Grau (Portuguese: State School High School; Brazil)
EESGEast End Studio Gallery (Texas)
EESGElectrically Excited Synchronous Generator
EESGEthical, Environmental, Social and Governance (various organizations)
EESGEast European Sarcoma Group (Russia)
EESGEnergy and Environment Specialty Group (est. 1979)
EESGEvoked Electrospinogram
EESGElectric Edge Systems Group (Canada)
EESGEijkelkamp Earth Sampling Group (various locations)
EESGEarly Empire Study Group (postal history)
EESGElevator and Escalator Solutions Group (Kinetek; various locations)
EESGEnvironmental Education for the Student Generation (campaign)