

单词 coa



abbr. coenzyme A


abbreviation for (Biochemistry) coenzyme A



(biochemistry) coenzyme A


(Certificate Of Authenticity) A document that accompanies software which states that it is an original package from the manufacturer. It generally includes a seal with a difficult-to-copy emblem such as a holographic image.



 [ko-en´zīm] an organic molecule, usually containing phosphorus and some vitamins, sometimes separable from the enzyme protein; a coenzyme and an apoenzyme must unite in order to function (as a holoenzyme).coenzyme A a coenzyme essential for carbohydrate and fat metabolism; among its constituents are pantothenic acid and a terminal SH group, which forms linkages with various acids, e.g., acetic acid (acetyl CoA) and fatty acids (acyl CoA); abbreviated CoA.coenzyme Q any of a group of related quinones occurring in the lipid fraction of mitochondria and serving, along with the cytochromes, as an intermediate in electron transport; they are similar in structure and function to vitamin K1.


Abbreviation for coenzyme A.


abbr. coenzyme A


Abbreviation for coenzyme A.
FinancialSeeCost of Attendance


COACoat of Arms
COACenter for Online Addiction
COACertificate Of Authenticity
COACoenzyme A (cellular respiration)
COACertificate of Analysis
COACommission on Audit (Philippines)
COACollege of Arts
COACouncil of Agriculture (Taiwan)
COACouncil on Aging
COACourt of Appeals
COACenter of Activity
COACollege of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor, Maine, USA)
COAChart Of Accounts
COACompany of Animals (various locations)
COACost of Attendance
COACommunity of Action
COACouncil on Accreditation
COAConditions of Access (various organizations)
COACenter of Attention
COACollege of Architecture (various organizations)
COAChange of Address
COACollege of Arms (English heraldic authority)
COACity of Austin (Texas)
COACertificate of Approval (Australia, permit to discharge into environment)
COACare-Of Address
COACommunities of America (Tampa Bay, FL)
COACondition of Approval
COACertificate of Authority
COACertificate of Acceptance (New Zealand construction)
COACommittee on Accreditation
COACommission on Aging (various locations)
COACourse Of Action
COAChoice of Arm (cadet regiment selection)
COAConditions of Acceptance (various organizations)
COACost of Acquisition
COAChange of Authorization (networks)
COACommonwealth of Australia
COACommittee of Adjustment (Canada)
COAComité Olympique Algérien (French: Algerian Olympic Committee; Algeria)
COACertificate of Authorization (FAA - UAS operations in the national air space)
COAContinental Air Lines (ICAO code)
COACare for Older Adults (various organizations)
COACourses of Action
COACity of Amarillo
COAComing of Age
COACoarctation of Aorta
COACertificate of Appreciation
COACentraal orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers
COACategory of Aid (healthcare)
COAComptroller Of the Army
COAClinical Outcome Assessment
COACertificate of Appealability (judiciary)
COACondo Owners Association (various locations)
COACondominium Owners Association (various locations)
COACertificate of Airworthiness
COACheerleaders of America
COACity of Anaheim
COACity of Albuquerque
COAChange Of Assignment
COACommission of Accreditation
COACenter of Automotive (University of Applied Sciences; Germany)
COAContract of Afreightment (shipping)
COAConditions of Acceptability (various companies)
COAClean Ocean Action
COAChange of Authorization
COAConfirm on Arrival
COACare of Address
COACountry of Assembly
COACompliance Oriented Architecture
COAChange of Atmosphere (est. 2000)
COACanadian Olympic Association
COACommissioned Officers Association (of the United States Public Health Service)
COACanada-Ontario Agreement
COAChild of Alcoholic (support group)
COACommittee on Admissions
COACommission on Athletics
COACommittee on Administration (various organizations)
COAConchologists of America
COAClub d'Ornithologie d'Ahuntsic (French: Ahuntsic Ornithological Club; Ahuntsic, Canada)
COACentral Office of Architecture
COACenter for Organic Agriculture (University of Florida)
COAConfirmation on Arrival (computing)
COAClear on Arrival
COACourt of Auditors (EU)
COACreative Outdoor Advertising (Jupiter, FL)
COAClowns of America
COACity of Ashes
COACommunity Outreach Activity (various organizations)
COACertified Ophthalmic Assistant
COACoopérative Ouvrière d'Ameublement (French: Cooperative Workers of Furniture)
COAClub Olympique Avallonnais (French: Avallon Olympic Club; Avallon, France)
COACenter Operations Area (NASA)
COAClassic Open Air (festival; Germany)
COACourt of Audit (Lebanon)
COACasino Operators Association (UK)
COACédula de Operación Anual (Mexico)
COACalifornia Orthopaedic Association
COACommission on Opticianry Accreditation
COACentrale Ornithologique Aves (French ornithology center; Belgium)
COACollection Agreements
COACompetitive Operating Agreement
COAClinical Operations Associate
COACrown of Ages (Diablo II item)
COAClub Ornithologique d'Argentat (French ornithological club)
COACercle des Ours Andennais (French; Belgian student organization)
COACode of Arms (Dubstep Record Label)
COANew Hampshire Conference on Aging
COACentral Operating Authority (NATO)
COAConnection Approval Office
COAConcertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
COACanadian Ostrich Association
COACoaliton of Anti-Pirates (gaming)
COAConnecticut Opticians Association
COACanadian Osteopathic Association
COAChange Over Acknowledgement
COACalli Ollin Academy (Tucson, AZ)
COACircle of Awareness (skydiving instruction)
COAAmerican Conger (FAO fish species code)
COACover Our Asses
COACoastal Ocean Activities
COAConscious, Oriented, Alert (assessment by paramedics)
COACertificate in Offshore Administration (Island of Jersey, benchmark financial qualification)
COAChange Order Account
COACryogenic Optical Assembly
COAComputer Operations Administrator
COACurrent Operating Allowances
COAChesapeake Oyster Alliance (coalition)
COACall on Arrival (shipping)
COACustomer Owned Assets
COACharlie's Other Angels
COACalifornia Olive Association (Sacramento, CA)
COACoupled Oscillator Array
COACult of Angels (modeling group)
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