Afanasev-Chuzhbinskii, Aleksandr Stepanovich
Afanas’ev-Chuzhbinskii, Aleksandr Stepanovich
(pseudonym of A. S. Afanas’ev). Born Feb. 28 (Mar. 12), 1817, in Lubny District, Poltava Province; died Sept. 6 (18), 1875, in St. Petersburg. Russian and Ukrainian writer and ethnologist. First appeared in print in 1838.
Afanas’ev-Chuzhbinskii wrote poetry in Ukrainian. He is the author of the ethnological work Journey to Southern Russia (parts 1–2, 1861); works on provincial, military, and metropolitan ways of life, including Sketches of the Past
(parts 1–4, 1863); and the novel St. Petersburg Gamblers (parts 1–4, 1871–72). He also wrote the valuable work Recollections of T. G. Shevchenko (1861) and compiled the Dictionary of the Ruthenian Dialect (1855, unfinished). He edited the journals Zagranichnyi Vestnik (Foreign Herald), Iskra (The Spark, 1873), and others. He also translated from Polish and French.