BDOBlack Desert Online (gaming)
BDOBig Day Out (Australian music festival)
BDOBanco de Oro (Philippines)
BDOBritish Darts Organisation
BDOBusiness Document Object
BDOBidirectional Text over-Ride
BDOBlock Development Officer
BDOBusiness Development Office
BDOBlock Development Office (India)
BDOBattle Dress Overgarment
BDOBi-Directional Override (HTML 4.0 tag)
BDOBehavior Detection Officer (US DHS)
BDOBig Dumb Object (something of unknown origin that sits in space until discovered)
BDOBuilding Digital Opportunities (development initiative)
BDOBandung, Indonesia - Husein Sastranegara (Airport Code)
BDOBentonite Diesel Oil
BDOBig Daddy Orchestra (San Diego, CA)
BDOBoard, Department or Office (California)
BDOBlanket Delivery Order
BDOBusiness Development Opportunity
BDOBinder Dijke Otte (accountancy firm)
BDOBomb Disposal Officer
BDOBordeaux Danse Orientale (French: Bordeaux Belly Dance; Bordeaux, France)
BDOBusiness Development Objective
BDOBoom Defense Officer
BDOBusiness Document Object (Object-Oriented Workflow Management)
BDOBunds, DSL, OAT (core European government bonds)