Acronym | Definition |
BDO➣Black Desert Online (gaming) |
BDO➣Big Day Out (Australian music festival) |
BDO➣Banco de Oro (Philippines) |
BDO➣British Darts Organisation |
BDO➣1,4-Butanediol |
BDO➣Business Document Object |
BDO➣Bidirectional Text over-Ride |
BDO➣Block Development Officer |
BDO➣Business Development Office |
BDO➣Block Development Office (India) |
BDO➣Battle Dress Overgarment |
BDO➣Bi-Directional Override (HTML 4.0 tag) |
BDO➣Behavior Detection Officer (US DHS) |
BDO➣Big Dumb Object (something of unknown origin that sits in space until discovered) |
BDO➣Building Digital Opportunities (development initiative) |
BDO➣Bandung, Indonesia - Husein Sastranegara (Airport Code) |
BDO➣Bentonite Diesel Oil |
BDO➣Big Daddy Orchestra (San Diego, CA) |
BDO➣Board, Department or Office (California) |
BDO➣Blanket Delivery Order |
BDO➣Business Development Opportunity |
BDO➣Binder Dijke Otte (accountancy firm) |
BDO➣Bomb Disposal Officer |
BDO➣Bordeaux Danse Orientale (French: Bordeaux Belly Dance; Bordeaux, France) |
BDO➣Business Development Objective |
BDO➣Boom Defense Officer |
BDO➣Business Document Object (Object-Oriented Workflow Management) |
BDO➣Bunds, DSL, OAT (core European government bonds) |